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A sudden strong wind blew down the display shelf at the auto show, and more than a dozen new cars from the dealers were smashed.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Today, netizens revealed on the Internet that an auto show was being held in Baoding, Hebei Province, when a sudden strong wind blew down the exhibition shelves, smashing a number of vehicles participating in the exhibition, no casualties and unknown losses.


As can be seen from the videos recorded by netizens, the display shelves set up at the scene have fallen, hitting a number of display cars below, including those of dealers with brands such as SAIC Chase, Volkswagen, Citroen, Mazda and FAW Pentium.

It is understood that on the morning of November 24, the exhibition shelf was blown down and hit more than a dozen exhibition cars at an auto show in Baoding, Hebei province, due to the strong wind on that day.





Mr. Pan, an eyewitness, said that the first row was rented by a dealer group, a circle of cars in seven stores, and the display shelves set up in that circle all collapsed.

Witnesses at the scene said that there was a wind of force 7 or 8 at that time, and the staff cleaned up the scene in time, and the loss statistics are currently in progress.

For this kind of damaged new car, generally after repair, it can be depreciated, but it is necessary to indicate in the sales contract that the vehicle has been used for display and the terms of the damage, so that consumers can be clear about the situation of the vehicle and avoid disputes.

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