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Shanghai Auto Skoda responded to the sale of bubble cars, admitting to selling them at a discount.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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The relevant media sought confirmation from Skoda for the sale of bubble cars by SAIC Volkswagen Skoda. relevant sources said that Skoda did sell bubble cars, but the damaged vehicles had been replaced and repaired. has reached the national quality standards, but also meet the national vehicle use requirements.

Skoda said that the water-soaking models sold meet national quality and car use standards, but the quality inspection report after the repair of the damaged car and the compensation to consumers from the sale of the water-soaking car were kept quiet, saying that it was "under further verification."

On December 3, the media exposed that Skoda was selling water-soaking vehicles, causing a heated discussion among netizens. According to media reports, Skoda manufacturers sent two emails to 51 Skoda dealers in East China at the end of 2014, asking dealers to digest and deal with 59 "long-aged vehicles and quality-damaged vehicles", including 39 water intake vehicles caused by Typhoon Fett in 2013 and 20 quality-damaged vehicles and long-library-aged vehicles.


The manager of a Skoda 4S store said that he received an email from Skoda at the end of 2014. Skoda headquarters asked 51 dealers in East China to deal with 59 damaged cars. A day later, Mr. Guan received an email from Skoda again. The email shows the matching of the damaged vehicles and the flow direction of the vehicles.


According to the content of the email, a total of 59 above-mentioned vehicles have been allocated to East China, of which 15 have been digested internally and 44 remain to be digested. Each dealer is required to report at least one vehicle demand, and the handling of this part of the car is a normal monthly sales task.

Mr. Guan said that during the sales process, the 4S store will not tell the details of the car. At present, most consumers still do not know that they are buying a bubble car, and the circuit of the car, especially the engine, will be affected. But it is difficult for consumers to find out the specific reasons.


Huang Ming is one of the owners who bought a bubble car without knowing it. According to Mr. Huang, he wanted to buy a 1.4T Yizhi car in April 2015. At that time, Mr. Huang saw that the car was covered with dust. So he also raised the question of "why the wheels are rusty." the staff of the 4S store said that the car was in stock, and Skoda had stopped the production of this car. As for the rusty situation, Because there is no treatment outside for a long time, it is normal to rust.


Mr. Huang also checked the mileage of the car and found that it had never been driven. The original price was 168000 yuan, plus a discount of 7.5%. It was a good deal. Finally, Mr. Huang bought the car, and not surprisingly, there were some problems in the actual use of the car.

In April 2017, Sun Weitong, the owner of a used car, bought a 1.8T speed car through his friend, and then Mr. Sun introduced the car to a friend. It was not clear whether the car was a bubble car at that time, so he did not tell the friend about the car. Now the car has been in use for more than three years, but there are also a lot of problems, such as uncooled air conditioner, circuit failure of the computer board, failure code of the dashboard and so on.

In addition to the above two gentlemen, there are still many consumers who do not know that they are buying a bubble car, only know that they buy a car in stock and enjoy a discount on the price.


Skoda said that a small number of vehicles were damaged by Typhoon Fitt in 2013, and those that have been repaired and tested qualified will be sold at a discount according to the way the quality damaged vehicles are handled. The text contract with the dealer stipulates that "the user must be informed in advance of the damage and repair of the vehicle before it can be sold." at the same time, the batch of quality damaged cars are given the same three packages of rights as normal commercial vehicles.


In addition, for this batch of damaged cars, the technical department of the parent company will judge according to the relevant quality standards, and if it is judged to be repairable, the company will repair and inspect its quality; if it is irreparable, the company will do scrap treatment.

Some people in the industry said that if the water intake does not meet the requirements of scrapped cars, it can be circulated in the market, but the premise is that 4S stores must inform consumers of the specific models of this model, and based on certain concessions. Deliberately concealing the specific conditions of the model, causing consumers to buy bubble cars unknowingly, will constitute fraud.

Judging from the above related matters, Skoda 4S store does give consumers certain discounts when selling bubble cars, but it does not inform consumers of the details of the vehicles. Skoda said that 4S stores should inform consumers of the causes of the quality damage. However, Mr. Guan said that Skoda did not explicitly mention it in its email, and Skoda said it was being further checked.

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