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Luxury service? Lincoln's new car is saved with secondary spray painting, 4S store: not to mention, I don't know at all.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


AutoBeta( Report--

According to relevant media reports, earlier this year, Mr. Xu of Hohhot bought a Lincoln SUV and drove it for more than half a year. Once a friend found that there was a color difference on the door of the car, which made Mr. Xu have some doubts, so he found that the car was identified and found to be true. He went to the 4S store to check that the car had been repaired before he bought it, and then asked the 4S store, but it was repeatedly put off and said he did not know or did not know. So he called the Market Regulatory Administration again, but unexpectedly, he saw the reporter's law enforcement officers and left.


According to Mr. Xu, he bought a Lincoln MKC in April this year at the Lincoln 4S store in Hohhot, at a total cost of 320000 yuan. Until November this year, I was found by a friend that there was a color difference in the paint on the door of his car. I originally thought my friend was joking and had never repaired the car, but later, in order to find out, I found out the local used car market for testing. It is found that the vehicle does have secondary painting.


After going to the 4S store to inquire about the maintenance records of the vehicle through the frame number, I found that the vehicle had been repaired at the end of December 2018, and the maintenance project was that the right rear leaf plate of the vehicle had been painted, but I bought the vehicle in April 2019. So I think there is fraud in the 4S store.



Because he found the 4S store for many times and failed to negotiate, he found the help of the media. Accompanied by the reporter, Mr. Xu came to the Lincoln 4S store in Hohhot again. He could find the sales manager who was in charge of Mr. Xu's vehicle, but he was told that he had left his job. If you have any questions, you need to find a new sales manager. Then he found a salesperson of the store, who was also told that he did not know about it, that they were only responsible for selling cars and negotiating prices, and that they did not care about vehicle problems.



Later, he found the service manager of Lincoln 4S store, but the manager said that he only arrived at the 4S store in July this year and did not know anything about Mr. Xu's car, and the entire after-sales staff had been greatly adjusted, so he basically didn't know anything about it.


After several negotiations, the 4S store also gave a solution, but Mr. Xu could not accept it. Mr. Xu said that the plan offered by the 4S store is nothing more than car owner service, similar to a 15% discount on oil. Mr. Xu hoped that the relevant departments would intervene in the negotiation, so he found the director of the Industrial and Commercial Institute of Bandu Industrial Park and invited him to the 4S store, but the director left when he saw an interview with a reporter.


In order to further investigate, the media came to the market supervision and management office again on December 5 and found the deputy director Qin who left at that time, who said: after receiving Mr. Xu's complaint at that time, he called the two sides together to mediate once, but without success. Later, Lincoln 4S store gave a second solution, but the specific situation Deputy Director Qin asked the reporter to avoid before telling Mr. Xu.


At the same time, with regard to the behavior of Lincoln 4S store, Mr. Xu felt that he had been deceived, but Deputy Director Qin did not think so. He said to Mr. Xu, "this is not a fraud. I didn't tell you."

Now the matter has not been resolved, and Mr. Xu admitted that it is too difficult to safeguard his rights.


Incidents of safeguarding consumers' rights also occur frequently, and many consumers hope that 4S stores can give a positive reply, but they are often evaded by various reasons, resulting in a situation that has been unable to make progress. however, it is still useless to find the Market Regulatory Administration like Mr. Xu, which obviously makes the road of safeguarding consumers' rights even more difficult.

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