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The new car of "Lecker" was scraped before it was started. 4S store manager: "money and goods are clear".

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Recently, Mr. Yan from Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, went to pick up the car at the 4S store. Unexpectedly, while the car was still going through the formalities, the car was scraped by other guests. The 4S store believes that Xiaoyan's car has been invoiced and the insurance has been bought. If something goes wrong, Xiaoyan should bear it by himself, but Xiaoyan feels very wronged. "I don't even know what the key looks like!" The 4S store thought that the money and goods had been cleared, and they had no responsibility, so the attitude of the 4S store made Mr. Yan very angry.

It is understood that on December 13, Mr. Yan came to Ningbo Juntai Lingke 4S store on Ningbo Xiaying North Road to pick up a new Lecker 03 + car. Mr. Yan said that the car was bought for him by his family, and the price of the naked car was more than 200000. At that time, he was going through the relevant formalities in the exhibition hall. But unexpectedly, the key was not touched, and the new car was hit by another owner.

Mr. Yan said, "all I need is a key and a license plate. The car is parked in this position. I made a mortgage. While waiting for the bank to lend money, the car was rubbed by other owners." It can be seen from the scene that the car has not yet been repaired, there are scratches on the front bumper and paint has fallen off in several places. The staff of the 4S store said that he had been given the key and had a very bossy attitude, like a shrew.

Mr. Yan said: the owner of the car who caused the accident, who was also a customer of the 4S store, agreed to take the insurance claim and pay an extra 500 yuan, but he felt that it should be the responsibility of the 4S store. I have never touched the steering wheel, 4S store said that he is right, at least there is a storage disadvantage, so I asked to replace an original bumper, and then give 5-10 maintenance.

Manager Zhang, head of sales at Lingke 4S store, said that Mr. Yan's car purchase process has been completed, the payment has been paid, the invoice has been issued, and the insurance has been done, but the license plate has not yet been processed. It is already a matter of money and goods. This accident should be between Mr. Yan and another car owner, not the 4S store. Manager Zhang also admitted that Mr. Yan has not yet got the key, but it does not affect the "balance of money and goods."

Manager Zhang also said, "the unexpected situation of the matter is that the old car owner made a mistake in judgment during the driving process. As for the question of compensation, it is a problem between the old car owner and the new car owner. All new car purchase invoices, commercial car insurance materials, and vehicle delivery confirmation forms are signed by customers." Therefore, it is not convenient to contact the owner of the accident in front of the media, but will help communicate afterwards.


Finally, Lecker 4S store gave a clear answer: "for Mr. Yan, our store will provide additional compensation for Mr. Yan in terms of humanistic care after reaching an agreement with his old customers."

Later, Mr. Yan said that the general manager of Linke4S store came forward to apologize to him, and the compensation had been negotiated. What do you think of this matter? Please leave a message to share!

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