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Toyota Corolla was burned, and the manufacturer replied that it was inconsistent with the fire department.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


AutoBeta( Report--

The car fire is a great loss for consumers, and many car owners hope to find out the cause and solve it as soon as possible. A few days ago, Mr. Cai of Xiamen had a Toyota Corolla suddenly burst into flames, causing the whole car to burn down. The next day, the fire department gave the result of the judgment caused by the vehicle quality problem, but the reply of the 4S store was caused by external fire.

What puzzled Mr. Cai was that the vehicle he was driving suddenly ignited spontaneously, and the vehicle spread to the whole vehicle in more than 20 minutes. When the fire department rushed to the scene to put out the fire, the vehicle had been burned into scrap iron. After assisting the police in the investigation, the fire brigade gave the fire accident identification the next day, confirming that the cause was the spread of the car body caused by the fault of the electrical circuit.


Such a decision was unacceptable to Mr. Cai because his vehicle was still under warranty. To this end, Mr. Cai found Xiamen Shengyuan Toyota 4S store, hoping that the store can give an explanation and make compensation. After negotiation, Mr. Cai agreed to several questions before agreeing to arrange for the factory personnel to come down for inspection. In order to solve the problem as soon as possible, Mr. Cai agreed.


After inspection by the manufacturer, a conclusion different from that of the fire department is given, which is considered to be caused by external fire. And because the rear of the vehicle burned more seriously than the front, the manufacturer determined that the fire began to spread from the rear, and only the four wheels were burned to the left and the others were intact. But Mr. Cai does not agree, because the left rear of the rear of the vehicle is the fuel tank cap, which must have been burned out and the oil spattered out, and the left rear wheel hub must be the most serious.


In addition, 4S stores also suspect that car owners privately change headlights and other accessories may also have an impact. However, in Mr. Cai's view, he was replaced a long time ago, so that he didn't have a problem until now.

At present, the reply given by FAW Toyota is different from that of the fire department, but it cannot take any appraisal report, which makes Mr. Cai unconvinced. At present, the manufacturer and 4S store have not given any reply to Mr. Cai.


Manufacturers or 4S stores have different opinions on the vehicle fire, but they cannot give any identification report, which obviously cannot convince consumers, and they have been slow to negotiate or give a definite reply to consumers. I don't know if it is to pass the buck or is it true?

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