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All of a sudden! Zhengzhou Lincoln's test driving accident crashed the vehicle, killing one and injuring four.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


AutoBeta( Report--

It was revealed on the Internet today that a Lincoln test drive ran into a green belt and hit a tree in a major traffic accident on Yingbin Road in Zhengzhou, causing serious damage to the vehicle. The police reported that one person was killed and four injured in the accident.

Video and pictures from the scene showed a Lincoln navigator SUV crashing into a tree trunk, causing the car to change beyond recognition and emitting thick white smoke. The A-pillar of the vehicle is bent, the side airbags have all ejected, and the hub of the wheel is seriously twisted. Judging from the damage to the vehicle, the speed was not low at that time.

Judging from the body information of the accident vehicle, the car belongs to Zhengzhou Augitong Lincoln Center.

People were injured at the scene, fire and traffic police personnel carried out rescue and traffic control and other related matters at the scene.






Evening police report Zhengzhou Lincoln test driving accident, four customers and a sales consultant test driving, customer Wang driving, on the way the vehicle suddenly drove into the green belt hit a tree. As a result of the accident, Wang died after emergency treatment, and the other four people were injured and were sent to hospital for treatment without life-threatening. The accident is under further investigation and handling.

Zhengzhou Traffic Patrol Police official Weibo issued a police situation bulletin:

At 12: 50 on January 12, 2020, the 110 Command Center of the Municipal Bureau ordered that a traffic accident occurred about 100 meters east of Garden Road, Yingbin Road, and someone was injured. The police rushed to the scene for treatment and treated the wounded at the scene.

After preliminary investigation, Wang (male, 43, Puyang) Chen (male, 49, from Chongqing) Zhang Mouyuan (male, 34, Xinxiang) and Zhang Mouqing (male, 39, Puyang) went to a car sales company to buy a car at noon on the same day. At about 12: 40, the four were accompanied by sales consultant Fan (female, 27, Zhoukou). When Wang was driving a test drive of Yu A5K79X Lincoln along Yingbin Road from east to west to about 100m east of Garden Road, the vehicle suddenly entered the green belt on the south side of the road and hit the trees in the green belt, causing a unilateral traffic accident.

At present, Wang died after emergency treatment. Four people, Chen, Zhang, Zhang and Fan, were injured and were sent to hospital without life-threatening. The accident is under further investigation and handling.


Once again, the occurrence of car accidents is closely related to excessive speed and non-compliance with traffic regulations. I hope that the vast number of 4S stores will take this as a warning, standardize test driving operations, and urge sales staff and customers to test drive safely. at the same time, test-driving customers should be familiar with the operation of the vehicle, understand clearly before test driving, so as to avoid the recurrence of car accidents.

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