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Internal letter from Li Bin: set the target of NIO in 2019 and begin to deliver ES6 in June

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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In view of the current situation and problems of the company, Li Bin, chairman and CEO of the start-up company, issued an internal letter to all employees, mainly establishing the goal and action plan for this year, and explaining the recent negative comments on NIO. Li Bin said that in the next three years, Wei needs to go all out to win the qualification to participate in the future competition.

In 2018, the ES8, the first electric car of Xilai, was delivered in bulk, followed by its listing on the New York Stock Exchange in the United States, but an annual report of "failing" let NIO hold off, delivering 11348 new cars for the whole year, showing a net loss of 9.6 billion yuan. The original plan to build its own factory in Shanghai was cancelled, confirming that it would continue to be produced by Jianghuai OEM.


Li Bin revealed in the open letter that Lai Lai's three goals for this year are the annual user development plan, the improvement of operational efficiency and the development of the second generation platform.

Xilai began to deliver the second electric car ES6 in June this year. Li Bin said that the ES6 is a strategic product and will enter a larger market segment, and it is necessary to ensure that subsequent production deliveries can meet market demand in a timely manner.

In terms of improving operational efficiency, Wei can determine the reduction of staff and the prudent use of funds. This includes removing duplicate departments and keeping the total number within 9500; resolutely do not spend money that is not necessary to ensure the efficient use of funds and avoid unnecessary investment waste.

Finally, Li Bin also explained what has become a hot topic on the Internet in recent days, saying that some of the voices questioning NIO are false rumors based entirely on conjecture. Li Bin also said: for questioning and criticism, we need to treat them objectively and calmly. For malicious rumor-mongering attacks, the legal and public relations departments will take necessary measures to rectify the situation.

Full text of Li Bin's internal letter:


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