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Li Xiang: these legendary Tesla killers, even domestic new car manufacturers can not win.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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In discussing Tesla's sales performance and strong stock price performance, Li wanted to release a message saying, "my forecast for Tesla's 2020 sales in 2016 is still relatively close." I do not believe that Tesla will die after the development of electric power and intelligence in some traditional enterprises. He also said that the legendary Tesla killers such as Audi and Mercedes-Benz EQC could not even win the domestic new car manufacturers, let alone Tesla, who had mastered OS and AI chips.

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According to the developments released by ideal car CEO Li Xiang, in 2016, Li Xiang predicted that Tesla would see 300 billion US dollars (market capitalization) and estimated sales of 50-600000 vehicles by 2020. He also said, "when self-driving becomes more popular, self-driving intelligent electric cars will be the biggest commercial application of artificial intelligence, so now they are still bearish on Tesla, basically blind." I always thought that traditional cars could quickly surpass Tesla when they wake up, but in terms of electrification and self-driving, I feel there has been a dimensional difference. Traditional cars are still the way Nokia runs Symbian, and Tesla has entered the IOS.

Recalling the news released three and a half years ago, Li Xiang believes that my forecast for Tesla's 2020 sales in 2016 is relatively close.

According to recent results released by Tesla, Tesla delivered 367000 electric vehicles worldwide in 2019, meeting its previously promised target of 360000 to 400000, while the company expects to deliver more than 500000 electric vehicles in 2020, an increase of about 40 per cent year on year.

Recently, Tesla's share price has soared one after another and become the focus of news. On February 4, Tesla's share price once reached US $940 in intraday trading, with a market capitalization exceeding US $160 billion, a record high, but only more than 10 days have passed since Tesla's market capitalization exceeded US $100 billion. But Tesla's share price shrank on Feb. 5, falling 17.18% to $734.7 on the day, and its total market capitalization has now shrunk to $132.426 billion.


In response to Tesla's strong market performance, Li would like to say, I do not believe that any traditional enterprise after the development of electric and intelligent Tesla is hopeless.

He pointed out that "minicomputer enterprises can't stop Microsoft and Intel, Nokia Motorola can't stop Apple, Huawei and Google, SUNING Wanda Wal-Mart can't stop Alibaba and Amazon, and even automotive newspapers and magazines can't stop a small car home. The real battle ended before it even started. Is Audi e-tron 's provocative advertisement against Tesla like the image of Yihequan guys challenging foreign devils? "

In response to market performance, Li would like to say that the legendary killers of Tesla, such as Audi e-tron, Jaguar i-Pace and Mercedes-Benz EQC, cannot even win the domestic new car buildings. which one of these three is the eye contact of ES6? Not to mention Tesla, who has mastered OS and AI chips. When there is a difference in the productivity dimension, always invest in the most reliable founder in the higher dimension, even if the business still looks weak, it is a matter of time how much money you make.

To this end, he also gives an example: enterprises in the digital age challenge enterprises in the industrial age, which is no different from enterprises in the industrial age challenging the agricultural age. If the yardstick is to play with a broadsword, you must think that you can only use a gun. If the yardstick changes, how can a broadsword be compared to a gun? The productive forces and relations of production have all changed. People in charge of knives have even seen guns. How can they be in charge? How to go to war with a gun? Rely on the anti-Japanese drama?

It is worth noting that the ideal car Li wants to create is also a member of the new car force. four years after its establishment, in December 2019, the company delivered the first plug-in hybrid car, the ideal ONE, to consumers, delivering more than 1000 vehicles throughout December.


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