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Local subsidies for new energy vehicles in Shenzhen have been withdrawn, and there is no purchase subsidy for new cars.

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Local subsidies for new energy vehicles in Shenzhen are withdrawn. On February 18, the Shenzhen Municipal Development and Reform Commission issued the latest detailed rules for the implementation of Financial subsidies for the Promotion and Application of New Energy vehicles, pointing out that new energy vehicles licensed after August 7, 2019 will no longer be subsidized for purchase.

Full text of policy:

Detailed rules for the implementation of Financial subsidies for the Promotion and Application of New Energy vehicles in Shenzhen from 2019 to 2020

In order to implement the Circular of the Development and Reform Commission of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the Ministry of Finance on further improving the Financial subsidy Policy for the Popularization and Application of New Energy vehicles (Caijian (2019) 138, hereinafter referred to as Caijian (2019) 138, Circular of the Development and Reform Commission of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the Ministry of Finance on supporting the Popularization and Application of New Energy buses (Caijian (2019) 213) (hereinafter referred to as Caijian (2019) 213) and Shenzhen Development and Reform Commission Special funds Management measures (Shenzhen Development and Reform Commission (2019) No. 2) and other document requirements Standardize the management of financial special funds for the promotion and application of new energy vehicles and improve the efficiency of the use of financial special funds. The detailed rules for the implementation of financial subsidies for the promotion and application of new energy vehicles in Shenzhen from 2019 to 2020 are as follows:

I. subsidy for vehicle purchase

New energy vehicles that are legally registered within the administrative area of Shenzhen and meet the conditions stipulated in this policy may apply for vehicle purchase subsidies in Shenzhen according to the requirements after receiving national vehicle purchase subsidies. The subsidy standard for fuel cell vehicles from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2020 will be formulated and announced separately after the introduction of the national policy.

(1) conditions for application

1. Requirements for vehicles.

(1) the subsidized vehicles shall be pure electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid vehicles (including incremental programs) and fuel cell vehicles that are included in the catalogue of recommended models for the Promotion and Application of New Energy vehicles issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

(2) the operating mileage of vehicles within the scope of Shenzhen shall meet the requirements of the Circular of the Development and Reform Commission of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the Ministry of Finance on adjusting and perfecting the Financial subsidy Policy for the Popularization and Application of New Energy vehicles (Caijian (2018) 18) (hereinafter referred to as Caijian (2018) 18) relevant requirements, totaling 20, 000 km.

(3) privately purchased new energy passenger vehicles, operational special vehicles (including sanitation vehicles), vehicles in the civil aviation airport and other vehicles prescribed by the municipal government shall not be required for operating mileage.

2. The requirements for the enterprise.

(1) production enterprises shall comply with the Circular of the Development and Reform Commission of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Finance on the Financial support Policy for the Popularization and Application of New Energy vehicles from 2016 to 2020 (Caijian (2015) 134) (hereinafter referred to as Caijian (2015) 134) requirements, ensure stable product performance and safe and reliable, complete after-sales service and emergency guarantee, and strengthen the quality assurance of key parts Be consistent with the "vehicle Manufacturing Enterprise and Product announcement".

(2) according to the requirements of Caijian (2015) 134, when selling new energy vehicle products, production enterprises shall settle accounts with consumers according to the price after deducting vehicle purchase subsidies from the state and Shenzhen.

(3) according to the relevant requirements of the Circular of the Development and Reform Commission of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Finance on adjusting the Financial subsidy Policy for the Popularization and Application of New Energy vehicles (Caijian (2016) 958) (hereinafter referred to as Caijian (2016) 958), production enterprises shall establish an enterprise monitoring platform to comprehensively, truly and real-time reflect the sales and operation of vehicles, and unify the interface and data exchange agreement. Timely and accurate reporting of relevant information.

(4) in the past three years, the production enterprise has not been included in the blacklist of local joint punishment promoted by the state in the "Shenzhen Credit Network", has not been listed as the executor of breach of trust by the Shenzhen Municipal Court, and has not been included in the list of breaking laws and broken promises by the relevant departments of the city. If the sales enterprise established or entrusted by the production enterprise in Shenzhen is declared, the sales enterprise established or entrusted by the manufacturing enterprise shall meet the above requirements at the same time.

(2) subsidy standards

According to the relevant requirements of Caijian (2019) 138and Caijian (2016) 958 that "local financial subsidies (the sum of local financial subsidies at all levels) shall not exceed 50% of the central financial bicycle subsidy", the financial subsidy standards for the purchase of new energy vehicles (except fuel cell vehicles) in Shenzhen from 2019 to 2020 shall be carried out in the following three situations:

1. New energy vehicles licensed from January 1, 2019 to March 25, 2019.

According to 50% of the subsidy standard in "New Energy vehicle Promotion subsidy Program and Product Technical requirements" in Caijian (2018) 18.

2. New energy vehicles licensed from March 26, 2019 to June 25, 2019.

In accordance with the relevant requirements of Caijian (2019) 138, during the transitional period:

(1) the sales of licensed vehicles that meet the requirements of the 2018 technical indicators but do not meet the requirements of the 2019 technical indicators shall be subsidized in accordance with the 2018 corresponding standard of Caijian (2018) 18.

(2) the sales of licensed vehicles that meet the requirements of the 2019 technical indicators shall be subsidized by 50% of the corresponding standard of 0.6 times in 2018.

3. New energy vehicles licensed from June 26, 2019 to December 31, 2020.

(1) the new energy vehicles licensed from June 26, 2019 to August 7, 2019 will only be subsidized for the purchase of new or updated pure electric buses approved by the municipal public transport department. According to the requirements of Caijian (2019) 213, pure electric buses that meet the requirements of the 2018 technical index but do not meet the requirements of the 2019 technical index shall be subsidized according to 50% of the corresponding standard of Caijian (2018) 18; pure electric buses that meet the requirements of the 2019 technical index shall be subsidized by 50% of the 2018 corresponding standard.

(2) New energy vehicles licensed after August 7, 2019 will no longer be subsidized for purchase.

(3) Application methods and materials

If a new energy vehicle manufacturing enterprise applying for vehicle purchase subsidy is registered in Shenzhen, it shall submit an application to the leading department for the promotion and application of new energy vehicles in the district (new area) where the place of registration is located; if the place of registration is not in Shenzhen, the sales enterprise established or entrusted in Shenzhen shall submit an application to the lead department for the promotion and application of new energy vehicles in the district (new area) where the enterprise is registered. In principle, each enterprise shall not apply for more than two batches per year. With reference to the relevant requirements of the notice on the settlement of subsidy funds for the Popularization and Application of New Energy vehicles in 2018 and previous years (Finance Office Construction (2019) No. 87), the application materials should include:

1. Application report

2. When batch vehicles are listed in the catalogue of recommended models for the Promotion and Application of New Energy vehicles issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

3. Summary and schedule of vehicle information in the current batch

4. A copy of the vehicle purchase contract, the sales invoice and the driving license issued by the Shenzhen vehicle management authority.

5. Confirmation letter of deduction of national and local vehicle purchase subsidies when batch vehicles are sold

6. For a new energy vehicle manufacturing enterprise that is not registered in Shenzhen, it is necessary to provide the original certificate that the vehicle has received state subsidy funds issued by the government department in charge of the promotion and application of new energy vehicles at or above the prefecture level of the city where it is registered (with vehicle information list)

7. Promise to apply for the authenticity of subsidy information.

(4) Audit mechanism

1. District level audit. The leading department for the promotion and application of new energy vehicles in each district (new area) shall, together with other relevant departments, conduct a preliminary examination of the enterprise application materials and after financial examination, data examination and key spot check, the departments of finance, industry and informatization, scientific and technological innovation, etc. that meet the requirements will be reported to the municipal development and reform department, the financial department, and copied to the municipal industrial and information department, and the scientific and technological innovation department.

2. Municipal audit. The municipal development and reform department examines the preliminary examination materials reported by each district (new district), and entrusts a third-party organization to carry out on-site verification of the actual promotion of the enterprise according to the need. In conjunction with the municipal public security and traffic police, taxation, transportation and other departments, verify the vehicle registration information, sales invoices, operation and spare parts purchase invoices sold by Shenzhen foreign new energy vehicle manufacturing enterprises in Shenzhen, and solicit the opinions of municipal industrial and information departments, public security traffic police, market supervision and other departments on the consistency of declared vehicles in production, vehicle inspection, sales and other links. The information of the vehicles that have passed the examination and approval of the proposed subsidy shall be publicized by the municipal development and reform department on its portal website for 7 working days. After the expiration of the publicity period, the municipal development and reform department shall issue to the municipal financial department a final opinion on vehicles with no objection (including untenable objection after verification), and the municipal financial department shall issue special transfer payment funds to each district in accordance with the final opinion. The municipal development and reform department makes public the allocation of subsidy funds on the portal.

Second, subsidies for the construction of charging facilities

New energy vehicle charging facilities built in Shenzhen and meet the requirements of this policy may apply for subsidies for the construction of charging facilities in Shenzhen after completion and acceptance. The charging facilities mentioned in these detailed rules refer to the centralized charging stations and distributed charging piles of all kinds of new energy vehicles and the related facilities connected to the superior power supply, including charging station structures, charging stations (piles) and other charging equipment and their access to superior power supply, relevant supporting facilities of the monitoring system, and so on.

(1) conditions for application

1. Requirements for charging facilities.

(1) in accordance with the requirements of the measures for the approval and filing of social investment projects of the State, Guangdong Province and Shenzhen, charging facilities construction projects shall be filed or approved at the development and reform departments of each district.

(2) in accordance with the measures for the examination of Energy Saving of fixed assets Investment projects (order No. 44 of the National Development and Reform Commission), charging facilities projects that should be examined for energy conservation shall obtain opinions on energy conservation examination issued by the municipal (district) energy conservation review department.

(3) the construction, operation and management of charging facilities shall comply with the national and industry standards such as Design Code for Electric vehicle charging stations (GB50966-2014), Engineering Technical Standard for decentralized charging facilities for Electric vehicles (GB/T51313-2018), Code for Construction and completion acceptance of charging facilities for Electric vehicles (NB/T33004-2013), and relevant provisions on the construction, operation and management of charging facilities in Guangdong and Shenzhen.

(4) according to the planning requirements such as Shenzhen Urban Planning Standards and guidelines, the charging facilities for the supporting construction of new buildings shall not be subsidized.

2. The requirements for the enterprise.

(1) in principle, the subsidy for the construction of charging facilities shall be applied by a single enterprise, and the enterprise shall be registered in Shenzhen.

(2) Construction enterprises (subject to the ownership of charging facilities, the same below) the cumulative total power of charging facilities built in Shenzhen reaches 8000kW before they can apply for subsidies. If the total power of the new construction reaches 3000kW after the same construction enterprise applies for subsidy for the first time, it may apply again.

(3) the construction enterprise shall establish (or entrust to establish) the safety monitoring platform of enterprise charging facilities, and connect to the safety supervision platform of Shenzhen unified charging facilities to upload relevant information comprehensively, accurately and in real time.

(4) in the past three years, the construction enterprise has not been included in the blacklist of local joint punishment promoted by the state in the "Shenzhen Credit Network", has not been listed as the executor of breach of trust by the Shenzhen Municipal Court, and has not been included in the list of breaking laws and broken promises by the relevant departments of the city. If a construction enterprise entrusts other enterprises to operate, the enterprise entrusted with operation shall meet the above requirements at the same time.

(2) subsidy standards

According to the installed power of charging facilities, 400 yuan / kW construction subsidy shall be given to DC charging equipment, 200 yuan / kW construction subsidy to 40kW and above AC charging equipment, and 100 yuan / kW construction subsidy to AC charging equipment below 40kW.

(3) Application methods and materials

An enterprise applying for subsidy for the construction of charging facilities shall submit an application to the development reform (development finance) department of the district (new area) where it is registered. In principle, each enterprise applies once a year. Application materials include:

1. Application report

two。 When the batch charging station (pile) construction project completion acceptance report

3. When the batch charging station (pile) construction project investment audit report

4. The conformance test report on the construction standard of charging facilities issued by the third-party testing institution approved by China National Accreditation Committee for conformity Assessment (CNAS).

5. Verification Certificate of charging facilities in accordance with the National Metrological Verification regulations

6. When the batch charging station (pile) customer power project completion inspection submission;

7. When the batch charging station (pile) fire control procedures to go through the certification documents;

8. Periodic Inspection report of Lightning Protection Devices issued by institutions qualified for Lightning Protection equipment testing in Shenzhen City.

9. If the annual comprehensive energy consumption of the charging station (pile) is more than 1000 tons of standard coal or more than 5 million kilowatt hours of electricity, the energy saving examination opinion issued by the municipal (district) energy conservation examination organ shall be provided.

10. An undertaking to apply for the authenticity of subsidy information.

(4) Audit mechanism

1. District level audit. After the initial examination of the enterprise application materials by the development and reform (development finance) departments of each district (new area) and verification on the spot, the materials that meet the requirements shall be reported to the municipal development and reform department and the financial department in conjunction with the district finance bureau.

2. Municipal audit. The Municipal Development and Reform Commission examines the preliminary examination data reported by each district (new district) and entrusts a third party to verify the charging facilities on the spot as necessary. The information on the charging facilities that have passed the examination and approval of the proposed subsidy shall be publicized by the Municipal Development and Reform Commission on its portal for 7 working days. After the expiration of the publicity period, the municipal development and reform department shall issue to the municipal financial department a final opinion on charging facilities without objection (including untenable objection after verification), and the municipal financial department shall issue special transfer payment funds to the financial departments of various districts in accordance with the final opinion. The municipal development and reform department makes public the allocation of subsidy funds on the portal.

III. Subsidies for the recovery of power batteries

Enterprises that sell new energy vehicles in our city (including new energy vehicle production enterprises and sales enterprises established or entrusted by production enterprises), when selling new energy vehicles, a certain amount of power storage battery recovery and disposal funds shall be calculated according to the unit kilowatt-hour, after the completion of power storage battery recycling. You can apply for power battery recycling subsidy in accordance with the relevant provisions of Shenzhen New Energy vehicle Promotion and Application Financial support Policy in 2018 (Shenzhen Financial Regulation (2019) No. 1).

IV. Distribution and allocation of subsidy funds

(1) the municipal funds for the promotion and application of new energy vehicles shall be included in the annual budget of the special funds of the municipal development and reform department, and the municipal development and reform department shall organize the budget implementation and apply for transfer payment in accordance with the relevant provisions.

(2) the leading department for the promotion and application of new energy vehicles in each district (new area) shall allocate funds in accordance with the relevant provisions of centralized payment by the state treasury in accordance with the fund targets issued by the financial department of the district (new area), and report the annual allocation, use and management of funds to the Municipal Development and Reform Commission for the record.

(3) the municipal development and reform department shall organize the leading departments for the promotion and application of new energy vehicles in various districts (new districts) to carry out the performance evaluation of special funds. According to the needs, the Municipal Finance Bureau organizes the financial departments of each district (new district) to take the lead in carrying out key performance evaluation or re-evaluation, and the financial departments of each district (new district) urge the relevant departments of each district (new district) to improve fund management according to the results of performance key evaluation or re-evaluation.

V. safeguard measures

(1) to strengthen the supervision of product quality and safety. We will speed up the establishment and improvement of the normal mechanism for safety monitoring and "consistency" sampling of new energy vehicle products. According to the Circular on adjusting the Financial subsidy Policy for the Popularization and Application of New Energy vehicles issued by the Ministry of Finance and other four ministries (Caijian (2016) No. 958, Circular on adjusting and perfecting the Financial subsidy Policy for the Popularization and Application of New Energy vehicles (Caijian (2018) No. 18) and regulations and documents such as regulations on access Management of New Energy vehicle production Enterprises and products, notice of the General Administration of Market Supervision on further strengthening the recall Management of New Energy vehicle products (Municipal Supervision quality letter (2019) No. 531) and other regulations and documents The relevant functional departments should randomly check a certain proportion of products in the vehicle and power battery production, sales, vehicle inspection and other links, and test the consistency of key parameters such as power battery energy density and vehicle energy consumption. If the parameters of the random inspection products are inconsistent with the values in the recommended vehicle catalogue; if the product quality causes a major safety accident in our city or is determined by the relevant departments to have major quality defects, the local financial subsidy shall be suspended or cancelled according to the type.

(2) speeding up the improvement of the information monitoring platform. Improve the local monitoring platform for the promotion and application of new energy vehicles in the field of public service by means of information technology, speed up the construction of a safety monitoring platform for municipal new energy vehicle charging facilities, and receive real-time information on the safety status, mileage and charging capacity of new energy vehicles forwarded by vehicle manufacturing enterprises and charging facility operators, as well as key system failures such as vehicle and power batteries, drive motors, charging facilities, etc. We should dynamically grasp the operation of vehicles and charging facilities, strengthen the supervision of subsidized new energy vehicles and charging facilities, and investigate the hidden dangers in a timely manner.

VI. Other

(1) these rules shall apply to new energy vehicles registered in the administrative area of Shenzhen from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2020, charging facilities for completion and acceptance, and power batteries for recovery of disposal funds on a special basis. In principle, the applicant must declare within 12 months after the application conditions are met. These detailed rules are valid for 5 years.

(2) those who comply with the policy before 2019 but have not yet submitted an application for subsidy after the implementation of these rules shall go through the formalities of application, examination and disbursement with reference to the provisions of these rules.

(3) the municipal development and reform department will, in accordance with the national and provincial financial subsidy policies for the promotion and application of new energy vehicles, as well as technological progress, industrial development, scale of popularization and application, cost changes and other factors, timely adjust the declaration conditions, subsidy standards and examination process, and issue the adjusted regulations after submitting them to the municipal government for approval according to the procedures.

(4) the municipal development and reform department shall be responsible for the interpretation of these detailed rules.

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