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All departments encourage stable automobile consumption and increase the license plate quota of cities with limited license plates.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Stabilizing traditional bulk consumption such as cars has become one of the top concerns of the government after the epidemic. On February 25, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the guidance on promoting the resumption of work and production of Industrial Communication Enterprises, which mentioned in vigorously promoting the improvement of market consumption, quality and expansion: it is necessary to actively stabilize traditional bulk consumption such as automobiles, and encourage areas where car purchases are restricted to appropriately increase the quota of car license plates to drive the consumption of automobiles and related products.


For the automotive industry, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology also stressed that priority should be given to supporting individual champions in the manufacturing industry, including automobiles, lithium-ion batteries, and manufacturing industries, so as to consolidate the competitive advantage of the industrial chain; at the same time, focus on supporting strategic emerging industries, including 5G, intelligent manufacturing, and new energy vehicles; and vigorously enhance the supporting capacity of supporting industries such as auto parts, core components and key electronic materials.

Earlier, the Ministry of Commerce clearly pointed out that it will thoroughly implement the important policy decisions and arrangements of the central authorities on "actively stabilizing traditional bulk consumption such as automobiles," as well as the spirit of the "opinions of the General Office of the State Council on speeding up development and circulation to promote commercial consumption." in conjunction with relevant departments, we will study and introduce policies and measures to further stabilize automobile consumption to reduce the impact of the epidemic on automobile consumption. At the same time, all localities are encouraged to introduce measures to promote the consumption of new energy vehicles, increase the purchase restrictions on traditional vehicles, and trade in old cars for new ones in accordance with local conditions, so as to promote automobile consumption.

So far, Guangdong Province has issued relevant documents to promote automobile consumption. On February 21, the Guangdong provincial government issued a number of policies and measures for further stabilizing and promoting Employment in Guangdong Province, which proposed to promote conditional prefectures and cities to introduce subsidy policies for the scrapping and renewal of old cars. Guangzhou and Shenzhen are encouraged to further relax car lottery and auction targets.

For the license-restricted cities in Beijing and other places, there is great potential for automobile consumption. Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the Federation of passengers, suggested that the license limit quota in Beijing should be appropriately increased, which is of great significance to stabilize automobile consumption in 2020.

The Federation estimates that the decline in car sales is temporary, but the speed of recovery depends on local government measures. If the policy is strongly implemented and the comprehensive support policy for traditional cars is targeted, sales will increase from April to December at least after the epidemic is stable, and even bring back the positive growth of sales throughout the year.

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