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What about the "259 tests"? Guazi bought "soaking in water" Audi.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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The second-hand car market is unfathomable, and there are numerous cases of concealing the sale of water-soaking car accidents and meter cars. Recently, Mr. Shang in Zhejiang experienced such a bad thing. He bought a second-hand Audi A4L at the Guazi second-hand store and found that it was a water-soaking car. Mr. Shang thought that the so-called "259 tests" were fake, and Guazi was a false propaganda and fraud. He asked to "return one and accompany three."

On March 20, Mr. Shang bought this second-hand Audi A4L at Guazi's Yan Xuan direct selling store, Jiaxing Yigao Dian, for nearly 90, 000 yuan and paid a service charge of 6300 yuan. After Mr. Shang picked up the car, he drove back to Tongxiang, and later found that the skylight could not be opened, the stereo could only be used on one side, and some of the buttons controlled by the central control failed. To be on the safe side, he drove the car to the Audi 4S store for an inspection, which found that there was sediment in many places in the car, so he suspected that the car had been soaked in water.

After that, Mr. Shang contacted the insurance company to see if there was a record of reporting insurance, but the reply from the other party made him uneasy. The staff of the insurance company told him that the car had a natural disaster in September 2016, which was caused by a typhoon. At that time, the owner was compensated for 1550000 yuan, but the maintenance records of the car could not be found in the 4S store, indicating that the car should not be repaired in the 4S store.

Mr. Shang believed that "Guazi" was false propaganda and fraud, saying that after 259 professional inspections, there were no major accidents, no fire accidents, no water soaking accidents, and he sold him a water bubble car. He asked to "return one and accompany three."

Mr. Shang complained to Guazi customer service, while Guazi's store asked Mr. Shang to provide evidence that it was a bubble car, but the insurance company said that the former owner could not give written proof if he did not appear.

In desperation, Mr. Shang found the market supervision office, but the law enforcement officials of the market supervision department came to Guazi's store, but could not see the person in charge. Later, law enforcement officials contacted Yuan, the person in charge of Guazi, through Wechat, saying that he was on a business trip. Finally, the two sides set the coordination time for March 27th.

We are all attracted by the overwhelming advertising of used car e-commerce platforms. Guazi declared in the advertisement that "no middleman earns the price difference", "car owners sell more, buyers spend less" and "259 tests" and other promises. Advertising videos of spokesperson Sun Honglei can be seen everywhere. But to consumers, when you really buy a car, you must polish your eyes and make more inquiries and records to avoid disputes.

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