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The owner of BYD car was driverless on the highway, shouting: last talent.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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With the rapid development of electric and intelligent vehicles, the auxiliary driving technology carried by more and more car companies is becoming more and more mature, but due to the current development of automobile technology, there is still some room for vehicles to achieve real self-driving technology, so it can only be called auxiliary driving system. However, a few days ago, some car owners used the auxiliary system completely as an autopilot system.

According to a video provided by netizens, this is a BYD Tang car owner driving on the highway. According to the content of the shot, the speed of the car has reached the speed of 90km/h per hour and is in the fast lane of the highway at this time. It is worth noting that at this time, the owner did not sit in the driver's seat in the car, but in the passenger seat, and said: last talent on the way to shoot the video!

Perhaps in the eyes of car owners, the technology that vehicles can achieve autopilot is very cool, but it is indeed extremely irresponsible for such behavior. Once an accident occurs, it will not only bring harm to road traffic participants, but also affect their own safety. To this end, as soon as the video was released, the netizen's behavior was quickly criticized and reviled by many netizens.


Although most of the new energy vehicle auxiliary driving system technologies have reached L3 level driving automation (conditional autopilot), the requirements of the definition are only to realize self-driving technology under specific circumstances. in most cases, the driver is still required to operate, and the driver is required to maintain the condition of intervention at all times. What's more, BYD Tang's current autopilot system in the video is only at the L2 level (combined driving assistance), which means that drivers need to pay more attention to intelligence.

In fact, for car owners have such behavior, or because the current domestic areas in the face of intelligent vehicles have not issued relevant traffic regulations.

In accordance with Article 62 of the regulations on the implementation of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the people's Republic of China. Driving a motor vehicle shall not "dial, answer, hold the phone, watch TV or other acts that hinder safe driving". If the driver spreads his hands and does not touch the steering wheel, it conforms to this stipulation and can be fined from 20 yuan to 200 yuan and deducted 2 points from the driver of the motor vehicle.

Therefore, under the circumstances that the relevant laws and regulations on self-driving cars are not yet perfect, according to the current traffic laws and regulations, the traffic police really have no corresponding provisions to be punished, but there are no relevant regulations to allow autopilot. So that through surveillance cameras to detect the driver's hands off the steering wheel, but also only to bear the not-so-severe punishment, leading to many car owners such "bad behavior."


Although according to the current self-driving technology, intelligent cars can reach a certain level of self-driving under certain circumstances, we should still remind the owners of cars with self-driving functions to maintain good driving habits in case they cannot be dealt with in time in case of emergency, leading to more serious consequences. after all, the current self-driving technology is only used as an auxiliary system.

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