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In response to the tax reduction policy, Dongfeng Honda launched "zero interest" and "replacement subsidy"

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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During the two sessions, the State Council will definitely deepen the value-added tax reform. On April 1, the policy of reducing the value-added tax rate in China will be formally implemented, reducing the current 16% tax rate of the manufacturing industry to 13%. In response to the VAT rate reduction policy, major car companies have announced price reduction strategies one after another over the past month.

Dongfeng Honda also announced relevant policies in response to the tax reduction policy, but unlike other car companies that directly cut official guidance prices, Dongfeng Honda gives back to consumers in the form of "zero interest" and "replacement subsidy".

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Dongfeng Honda announced that in response to the state's VAT tax adjustment policy, Dongfeng Honda will impose zero interest on all its models from April 1 to June 30, as well as a replacement subsidy policy for CR-V, INSPIRE, UR-V and Ericsson models, with a maximum subsidy of 10,000 yuan.

On the basis of zero interest on all series of models, Dongfeng Honda implements a replacement subsidy policy for CR-V, INSPIRE, UR-V and Ericsson models, of which CR-V and INSPIRE can enjoy 6000 yuan, UR-V can enjoy up to 7000 yuan, and Ericsson models can enjoy 10000 yuan.

Since the state established that the VAT rate reduction policy depends on, many car companies have announced price cuts, but whether the terminal price can be reduced at the same time depends on the dealer policy. Dongfeng Honda's "zero interest" and "replacement subsidy" do not seem to be directly attractive, but this may make consumers enjoy more concessions.

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