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Volkswagen lost! Volkswagen will buy back "emission door" diesel cars at a discounted price

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Although Volkswagen has paid tens of billions of dollars for the emission gate, lawsuits and compensation are still under way. According to foreign media reports, the German Supreme Civil Court ruled on May 25 that the German Volkswagen Group must pay civil compensation to consumers who suffered losses due to the "emission door." Volkswagen Group can buy back diesel cars equipped with emission cheating software from a car owner at a discounted price, and the repurchase amount is based on the mileage of the car and is discounted accordingly on the basis of the original price.

The plaintiff in the case is reported to be Herbert Gilbert, who bought a diesel version of Volkswagen Sharon multi-purpose vehicle in 2014. When the Volkswagen "emission gate" scandal was exposed, Gilbert took Volkswagen to court, asking it to buy back its car at full price. The Federal High Court ruled that Volkswagen Group had to pay Gilbert 25600 euros (199200 yuan), but 6000 euros less than the original price, the Financial Times reported. According to the Volkswagen Group, there are still about 60,000 similar prosecutions in Germany, and the decision of the German Supreme Civil Court is tantamount to providing a "template" for these cases. Volkswagen Group said that the vast majority of these 60,000 lawsuits can be dealt with in accordance with the ruling, Volkswagen will seek to settle with the plaintiffs as soon as possible to settle these lawsuits. In other words, car owners are expected to receive compensation of up to 25600 euros.


Volkswagen Group was exposed in September 2015 that diesel exhaust tests were fraudulent, affecting 11 million diesel vehicles around the world. Almost all affected American car owners agreed to participate in Volkswagen's $25 billion settlement plan in 2016. In April 2020, the British court formally ruled that the "cheating software" used in the vehicles involved in Volkswagen Group's "emission door" violated the rules, so that British consumers could file a class action against Volkswagen Group.

The carmaker faces a number of lawsuits around the world, and the cost of paying fines, recalls and settlements has cost Volkswagen huge losses. It is worth mentioning that a few days ago, Volkswagen agreed to pay 9 million euros out of court to settle with German prosecutors to avoid the trial of Volkswagen CEO Dis and Supervisory Board Chairman Pan Shi on charges of "market manipulation." but the cases of former CEO Wendell and former Audi CEO Steed are still under trial.


According to Volkswagen's previous statistics, Volkswagen Group has been fined more than 30 billion euros (about 233.493 billion yuan) for the "emission gate" incident. According to the financial results released by Volkswagen Group, the "special project expenditure" caused by the diesel "emission gate" in 2019 was 2.3 billion euros (17.901 billion yuan), and there was no "special project expenditure" in the first quarter of this year. Profits fell by 1 billion euros in the same period last year as a result of the "emission gate" scandal.

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