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A BMW 4S store charged this fee, the lawyer said: suspected of violation!

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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For consumers in the purchase of goods using bank cards or bank cards for consumption, more or less will produce a certain handling fee. Merchants often pay their own fees in order to better sell their goods, but for the consumption of commodities such as the automobile industry, there is often a question of who should bear the fees.

A few days ago, Ms. Zhou in Yangzhou had some problems with her vehicle, so she sent the vehicle to the BMW 4S store in Xinbao Company in Yangzhou for vehicle maintenance, but she found that in addition to paying the normal maintenance fee the next day, she was also charged a handling fee by the store, but the store could not provide the relevant receipt.


According to Ms. Zhou, when she planned to pay a maintenance fee of 12600 yuan, she planned to pay with her mobile phone, but she was told by the store staff that a fee of more than 5,000 thousand would require a handling fee of 6/1000, or 45 yuan. Although the cost is not large, it is unreasonable in Ms. Zhou's view. What is even more puzzling is that the fee must also be paid in cash, and the store is unable to provide any vouchers. In order to pick up the car, Ms. Zhou also paid the handling fee.

According to a charge regulation in the store, when consumers pay for car purchase and maintenance by using a savings card, they can bear the handling fee for consumers; but when consumers use credit cards to pay, customers need to bear the handling fee of six cents.

For Ms. Zhou's use of mobile phone payments, the 4S store said it was also charged by credit cards. For the specific reasons and circumstances can only be understood from the high-level groups, they are only responsible for implementation.


In fact, for the current 4S store, some lawyers said that according to the bank card receipt management measures, bank card contracted merchants are not allowed to charge cardholders or charge additional fees in disguise, so 4S stores are involved in violations. Consumers can complain to consumer associations, or protect their legitimate rights and interests by legal means.


After all, in the view of most consumers, the consumption is borne by the merchants. The reason why consumers need to pay handling fees when buying cars or repairing and maintenance is that the notice on improving the pricing mechanism of bank card handling fees issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and the people's Bank of China: differential charging for debit and credit cards is implemented, individual handling fees for debit card transactions are still capped, and individual credit card transactions are not capped.

In the store's view, the maximum amount of the savings card is about 30 yuan, which can be borne by the car dealers, but for bulk consumption such as car consumption, the formalities fees charged will not be low, and the profits of domestic cars are not big. If you help customers pay a handling fee of a few hundred yuan, the profit of the store will also be reduced to a certain extent.

With regard to the act of collecting handling fees, UnionPay customer service has said that cardholders should not bear any handling fees in the process of using UnionPay cards, and merchants' transfer of handling fees is illegal. If cardholders encounter this situation, they can complain to China UnionPay.

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