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The car owner suspected that the new car had been repainted again, and the compensation of 10,000 RMB was rejected to the 4S store.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On June 1st, Mr. Wang bought a Geely Xingyue at Haoyue 4S store in Hangzhou. The price of the new car was about 120000 on arrival. A week later, he went to wash the car, only to find that there was something like adhesive tape on the right front door, which looked like paint had fallen off after tearing it off. Mr. Wang suspected that the new car had been repainted twice, which may have been caused by a slight collision in the past. In order to find out the reason for the loss of paint, Mr. Wang contacted the 4S store many times, but did not get a satisfactory answer and compensation.


The sales director of Hangzhou Haoyue 4S store said that the car was temporarily transferred from other 4S stores and immediately launched an investigation after receiving customer feedback, including consulting the store where the car was transferred, and checking the delivery time and arrival time of the new car. at present, it is basically confirmed that the car has not been repainted twice. As for the similar loss of paint on this car, it is also difficult for them to make a judgment, but it is certain that there will be no problem when the car is handed over, and Mr. Wang also participated in the whole process of car inspection.


Mr. Wang also agreed that the car was a new car, but he wanted to figure out how to solve the problem. He also negotiated with the 4S store. The 4S store suggested to find a third-party testing agency to see if there was a second repaint. But Mr. Wang thinks that the new car is just a problem of paint loss, which can be solved through negotiation. The sales director said that considering that the customer picked up the car in the store, they were willing to bear the paint on one side and send an extra maintenance.

However, Mr. Wang does not accept the solution of the 4S store and thinks that the compensation plan of the 4S store is too low. Mr. Wang proposed a compensation of 10,000 yuan, which was the conclusion of his discussion with his friends. The sales manager also said that the request can be fed back to the superior, but it should not be able to meet the requirements of customer satisfaction.


In fact, automotive products will inevitably stumble in the process of transportation, and 4S stores will generally spray paint, but if they do not inform consumers of the actual situation after painting, they may be suspected of fraud.

According to Article 55 of the Law on the Protection of consumers' Rights and interests, if business operators commit fraudulent acts in providing goods, they shall increase the compensation for their losses in accordance with the demands of consumers, and the amount of compensation shall be three times the price of the goods purchased by consumers. From the feedback of netizens, most of them think that Mr. Wang's claim is too small and should be "refunded one for three".


However, it is not clear whether there is a secondary painting of Mr. Wang's new car. If an agreement can not be reached with the 4S store, it is suggested that Mr. Wang seek a third-party testing agency for testing, and if the new car has secondary painting, he can further claim for compensation from the 4S store.

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