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The unlicensed Volkswagen explored the "nest" by the roadside of the mountain, and the scene caused great controversy.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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We all know about the broken axle of a vehicle, and it has also happened in many automobile brands. For example, the "broken axle door" incident experienced on the FAW-Volkswagen Suiteng model a few years ago was impressive, and finally it was calmed down by the manufacturer's announcement and recognition. However, recently, some netizens reported that an unlicensed new Volkswagen car encountered a broken axle of the front wheel, which triggered a lot of netizens' discussion.


According to the pictures provided by netizens, this is a SUV model from FAW-Volkswagen. From the tail mark of the vehicle, we can see that it is a Volkswagen mountain exploration, and from the "330TSI" and hub style, it is a medium-to-high-end model. At the same time, judging from the fact that the vehicle has not hung its license plate, this is probably a new vehicle.

Little did you know that the new car soon suffered a broken axle. From the pictures provided, it was shown that Tan Yue was parked on the side of the road at this time. It was thought that the vehicle was parked normally, but the axle was broken on the right front wheel of the vehicle. Under the pressure of the wheel encountered by the kerb, the hub turned out 45 degrees. Although there was no obvious deformation of the hub, the situation was very obvious.



Although I don't know about the broken axle of this Volkswagen Exploration Mountain, it has been discussed by many netizens on the Internet, which is nothing more than questioning the quality of the Volkswagen brand. Some netizens think that, as a joint venture model, even the last kerb has broken axle, which is chilling.

Judging from the kerb shown in the picture, it is about ten centimeters. Therefore, in the view of netizens, as a SUV model, even this height will lead to the broken axle of the vehicle, which makes people question its quality.



Some netizens think that it may be caused by improper operation of the driver. However, in view of the current situation, it is impossible to know at what speed and under what circumstances the driver was operating, so it is impossible to determine.



It is understood that FAW-Volkswagen Tanyue front uses McPherson-style independent suspension, which is also the reason why some netizens think that the lateral support of its turn is insufficient. When the McPherson suspension structure is subjected to severe impact, the sliding column is easy to cause bending and deformation, especially after the severe impact on one side, it is easy to cause the metal structure support frame to break. This fracture can also occur on any brand or any city SUV or car using McPherson suspension system under specific impact angle, impact strength and other conditions.


For Volkswagen Tanyue, as the current domestic mainstream SUV model, the performance in the market is also good. Data show that the cumulative sales of models in May this year was 16500, with a total of 51600 for the whole year, both of which entered the top 10 of the domestic SUV market list. Such sales performance also proves consumers' recognition of Janyue.

The unlicensed Volkswagen Tanyue new car suffered a "bizarre" broken axle of the front wheel, which is unacceptable to some netizens, but because the vehicle has been in contact with the kerb, it is also difficult to determine the vehicle problem or driver operation problem. This is also the reason why the incident caused great controversy on the Internet. In this regard, it is hoped that car owners should drive with more formal operation when using the car, so as to avoid some vehicle accidents caused by improper operation. But if it is really the quality of the car, I also hope that manufacturers will focus on and timely feedback.

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