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Driving a Lexus LX570 in person, North Korea's supreme leader announced

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Recently, a news on the Internet that Kim Jong-un visited the disaster area in his own SUV has aroused concern. Kim Jong-un, chairman of the North Korean State Council, recently visited the front line of flood fighting and flood control in Yinbo County, Beidao, the Yellow Sea, Korean Central Television reported on the 7th. Pictures released that day showed Kim Jong-un driving the car himself.



It is understood that the vehicle Kim Jong un is driving in the picture is a Lexus LX570 off-road vehicle. Kim Jong-un usually travels in a Mercedes-Benz chauffeured car, but the scene of driving himself has never appeared online.

It is reported that the Toyota Lexus LX570 leader car was unveiled at events in September 2018 and December 2019. The Lexus LX570 SUV also came in handy because of recent torrential rains and muddy roads.


Lexus LX570 is the brand's flagship SUV, powered by a 5.7L naturally aspirated V8 engine with a maximum output of 367hp, a peak torque of 530Nm, an eight-speed manual integrated transmission and an all-wheel drive system. In the Chinese market, the official guiding price of Lexus LX570 is 129.10-1.417 million yuan.

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