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Ideal car customers reported to the police that they had been beaten, and the surveillance video in the store was exposed.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Recently, it was reported that employees of the ideal car store clashed with customers, then customers reported to the police that they had been beaten.


According to the source, there are complaints from activists on the car owners that the employees of the ideal car store beat people up, and a copy of the case of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau is attached. According to the receipt form, the incident occurred on the afternoon of August 10 and was beaten by the staff of the ideal car store 018B on the first floor of Shihui, Pudong New area.

Soon after the news was exposed online, the surveillance video in the ideal car store was released online. From the video, a customer entered the store and quarreled with the ideal car clerk, during which the clerk remained seated, and the customer seemed to blame the clerk, and the quarrel soon escalated.

As the surveillance video is incomplete, it is not possible to determine whether there is a physical conflict. According to a Weibo source who posted the video, the customer was said to be a fan of another car brand and intended to come to the ideal store to make trouble. At the same time, the person also said, "in fact, there are more intense conflicts to follow, but not reflected in this video." However, due to the lack of direct video display, it is not possible to determine whether there is a "hit".


It is reported that the cause of the incident is that customers are dissatisfied with the service in the ideal car store. According to a screenshot of a WeChat group chat posted online, "this man was a little excited because he might have waited for a while for the test drive, and then he said he wanted to complain, and we also gave him a complaint channel and explanation." we basically ignored him, and he was still picking things up and pointing fingers at one of our colleagues, and then our colleague said your finger was about to touch me. Push his hand away. Then he called the police and said that we beat people. When the police came, he looked at the surveillance and said that he was a waste of police force, but this man did not recognize it. Later, he went to the police station to make a statement. He also said that he would go for an injury test, and then he was gone forever. "


One netizen said, "I really didn't see being beaten." Aren't they all playing with their cell phones? Where did you play? " Another netizen said, "(the customer) this hand is really owed, touching and pointing at the speaker's hand is shaking wildly."

At present, no further explanation has been made by the authorities on the incident.

Ideal car is one of the new car-building forces in China. The first mass-produced model, the ideal ONE, was officially delivered in December 2019. The car uses an extended range and plug-in hybrid system. The ideal ONE sold 2516 vehicles in July, with a cumulative sales of 12182 from January to July, according to official figures. As of August 10, ideal Automobile has 25 retail centers across the country.

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