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Xiaopeng P7 had a lot of problems, and the whole car was pasted with banners and pulled into the service center.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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As the new power as a short-term car company, it is common to become the focus of the industry. However, one of Xiaopeng's G3 models has not been quelled after a vehicle spontaneous combustion incident occurred the day before yesterday, and recently a video of Xiaopeng P7 owners defending their rights has been circulated on the Internet.

As shown in the video, the owner filmed the abnormal noise in the control of the vehicle and the inability to use the Bluetooth key. Among them, the Bluetooth key still shows the hint that the rear door has not been closed for many times, but from the video taken by the car owner, the rear door of the vehicle has been closed.

In addition, as can be seen from the banners posted by the owners of the vehicle, there are abnormal brake jitter, abnormal steering wheel jitter, mismatch between the motor and official propaganda, and a big difference between driving mileage and official propaganda, and so on.




According to the owner, Xiaopeng did not give a specific solution to the problem of vehicle maintenance, but informed the owner again and again to come for maintenance. The car owner said that every time he came to the service center, it would take 90 minutes and it was a long way.

For a number of reasons, the car owner broadcast live on Douyin with his jackyi account to protect his rights on July 12, but was alerted by dealers in an attempt to block the protection of his rights in this way.


It is understood that the owner is not only the owner of the P7 car group in Wuhan, but also a fan of Xiaopeng car. He bought two G3 cars and one P7 car, but because he suffered losses from safeguarding his rights before, he felt that only by safeguarding his rights can he get a reasonable solution. The stickers with various faults of Xiaopeng P7 were pasted all over the car and parked outside the Xiaopeng car store. Finally, Xiaopeng car store called the police, and Mr. Wan was also taken to the police station. As of the press release, both sides have not made any relevant reply.

For Xiaopeng car rights incident is not new, as early as last July, Xiaopeng car Guangzhou, Beijing and other places there are a number of Xiaopeng car users collective rights incidents. The reason is that before Xiaopeng was about to sell a new car, the sales conveyed to them that there was no new model, and only after paying for it did he find that the car he had just bought had been eliminated, and a cheaper and farther version was on the market.

Xiaopeng also gave compensation for this, receiving maintenance vouchers or buying other Xiaopeng models at a 40% discount on the original car 34 months later. Most of the rights protection car owners are still unable to recognize the plan, thinking that Xiaopeng is completely insincere, and the car owners say they will not compromise and safeguard their rights to the end, and eventually come to nothing.


Similarly, Xiaopeng was protected by car owners at the Chengdu Auto Show booth in September last year because of quality problems. According to the owner of the car, he has been carrying the car for only two and a half months. "basically, he hasn't driven much, either parking in the basement or repairing the car." The car has run 4000 kilometers, and 2000 kilometers are on the road of repair. " Therefore, he firmly said, "I just want to return the car."

In response to this rights incident, Xiaopeng Automobile Public Relations Department said that it had checked with the maintenance department after the incident, and according to the maintenance records, the female owner's vehicle had been completely repaired on the day of safeguarding its rights. As for the relevant information about the female car owner, Xiaopeng Public Relations Department was not convenient to disclose too much, only responding that the female car owner had also participated in the "July 10 rights incident".


In fact, it is not uncommon to protect the rights of new power brands, not only the new car companies have been established for a short time, but also have relatively short experience in making cars, and are not as good as some big companies in terms of management and quality. However, the handling of the rights protection incident seems to be in the head of the new power car companies, while the attitude of Xilai Automobile and ideal car is better than Xiaopeng Automobile, and it is not accepted by consumers. This may become another survival advantage for a new force that has no experience in building cars.

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