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Weirdo! The man liked the car to burn incense and good luck, and as a result, he burned two cars from his neighbor.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Buying a new car is a happy thing, and it is understandable that some car owners will pray for a safe journey by burning incense and worshiping Buddha. This is not, a man in Taizhou, Jiangxi Province just mentioned a new car, then burned incense in front of the new car for good luck, but what happened later is a bit surprising!

At about 2: 50 a.m. on August 12, Taizhou Hailing Public Security City North Police Station received a warning that a car was on fire. When the police arrived at the scene, a white car was wrapped in a fire and the scene was in flames. After more than 10 minutes of fighting, the fire was finally put out, leaving only the black frame of the white Volkswagen, and the front of a Nissan car in front of it was also destroyed.



After investigation, it was found that there was a pillar of incense burning in this place before White Volkswagen stopped. The person who worshiped the incense was Liu, the owner of a Lexus parked behind.

It turned out that Liu mentioned a Lexus in the afternoon of August 11, for Tujili, Liu then burned the incense in front of the car. When he went downstairs to take out the garbage at more than 6 o'clock in the evening, Liu found that the incense had not been burned out and ignored it. Unexpectedly, at more than two o'clock in the morning, Liu suddenly heard an explosion downstairs. when he went downstairs, he found that a white Volkswagen in front of his car was on fire.


Oddly enough, Liu drove his car to safety after hearing the explosion, but the neighbor's two cars were not so lucky. White Volkswagen was burned with only a skeleton, and the front of Nissan was badly damaged and almost scrapped. When the white Volkswagen owner was ready to drive to work in the morning, he found that his car had turned into a pile of scrap iron, his ID card, bank card and a small amount of cash had been burned away, and the affected Nissan car owner wanted to cry without tears.

According to the preliminary identification of the fire brigade, the cause of the fire was caused by Douxiang, and the determination of responsibility for the accident is still under negotiation. What is certain, however, is that the accident was caused by a man-made fire, and the insurance will not pay for it. In other words, if Liu is held fully responsible for the fire accident, he will face a lot of compensation.


Liu's bizarre operation caused heated discussion among netizens, with some netizens saying that "it just so happens that the neighbors don't have to envy, they can also exchange for a new car", "Thunder car compensation is shocking", "three cars are bought at once", and some netizens commented that "it's good to buy good luck."


Such strange incidents are not in the minority. Previously, there have been media reports that car owners set off firecrackers to celebrate after buying a new car. The car accidentally ignited the car as it passed the exploding firecrackers, and the accident eventually caused the car to be completely burned. Just bought a new car was burned down, there is a reason to buy another one.

Here, I would also like to remind all car owners that the most taboo thing about cars is open fire, whether in peacetime or special activities, you must stay away from open fire, otherwise you will suffer this irreparable loss.

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