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The ideal ONE lost its hub "suddenly" again, all of which were caused by the official report of the accident.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Since ideal car launched and delivered the ideal ONE model, it seems that the public opinion has never stopped, just like Lulai Motors, which frequently encountered "negative" news last year. A few days ago, less than a month after the ideal ONE wheel hub fell off last month, another ideal ONE model encountered the same incident.

Feng Shiming, a verified car blogger on Sina Weibo, has released a video about an ideal ONE accident. In the video, a SUV with emergency flashers on is parked on the side of the road, showing the car tilting to one side and the wheels falling off. At the same time, I also heard the owner say, "the vehicle is running normally, and then." .


Although the ideal ONE could not be accurately identified in the video, the ideal car clarified and explained the accident via the official Weibo within an hour after the relevant Weibo was released. After the scene investigation of the accident and the playback of the driving recorder, the user did not pay attention to the road ahead when it was raining and hit the cement flower bed in the middle of the road at the speed of 51km/h per hour. The after-sales team of ideal car has confirmed the cause of the accident with users at the scene, and the car owner has also applied for insurance for maintenance, and made a clarification in the user group. Thank you for your attention.


In spite of this, the accident caused a heated discussion among many netizens, many netizens debated whether the vehicle hub would fall off after the accident, and some netizens even compared the similar accident of the Lulai vehicle.




It is worth noting that, coupled with this accident, it is the fourth wheel hub shedding incident encountered by the ideal ONE since the delivery of the new car.

In January this year, the axle was broken when an ideal ONE collided with a BMW. Because it was a two-car accident, there was not much comment and publicity.


On May 11, the right front wheel of an ideal ONE collided with the road steps, and the ball head of the right front hem arm fell off and the axle was broken. The owner said he wanted to return the car, which was ideally caused by external force and had nothing to do with the quality of the vehicle, and rejected the owner's request to return the car.


On August 9, a car owner was driving normally in the urban area at a speed of about 50 kilometers per hour, and the lower arm was broken. On August 16, ideal issued an official statement that the accident was caused by a serious collision and that the news reported on the Internet that the model itself had broken its axle was false news.



There have been a number of almost the same accidents in just three months, which makes people question the assembly quality of the ideal ONE. In addition, the ideal ONE has also encountered two fire accidents before, such as roof leakage, brake failure and BUG, so it is normal for ideal car quality problems to become the focus of attention again and again.

Just in the netizens' view, when the car company encounters the accident "sudden" situation, not only carries on the official clarification, more is to find out the root cause, avoids the similar problem to occur again and again.

Public data show that 2711 vehicles were delivered in August, a record monthly delivery; although only the ideal ONE is currently on the market, the ideal ONE delivered a total of 14656 vehicles from January to August 2020, second only to Xilai.

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