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Federation of Industry and Commerce Automobile Chamber of Commerce: 300 km mileage of electric vehicles is enough.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Xu Heyi, chairman of BAIC, has publicly said that the driving mileage of new energy vehicles will be gradually standardized in the future. In his view, driving mileage of about 300 kilometers is a very economical and reasonable value. Recently, the Automobile Chamber of Commerce of the Federation of Industry and Commerce also expressed a view similar to Xu Heyi. Li Jinyong, president of the Automobile Chamber of Commerce of the all-China Federation of Industry and Commerce and president of the New Energy vehicle Branch, demonstrated from the level of use. it is considered that the mileage of about 300 kilometers is a very appropriate mileage, which is in line with the current development needs of new energy vehicles in China.


Li Jinyong believes that the fundamental reason why manufacturers are promoting ultra-long mileage is the "mileage anxiety" of consumers, but ultra-long mileage is not the fundamental way to solve mileage anxiety, but should improve the convenience of charging. He explained that the fundamental reason for the absence of mileage anxiety in fuel vehicles lies in the high density of gas stations, short refueling time, and moving to the field of new energy vehicles. Once the convenience of charging is solved, the problem of driving anxiety will be easily solved.

Li Jinyong also believes that under the double points policy, manufacturers will be able to produce an electric vehicle with a mileage of 200 kilometers in the future, and the points subsidy will be basically the same as the cost of the battery. In this way, the cost of producing electric vehicles by manufacturers will be lower than that of fuel vehicles, so in the post-subsidy era, electric vehicles with a range of about 200 kilometers will also be very competitive.

Xu Heyi, chairman of BAIC in March, said in a recent interview, "after the next step of popularizing the new power exchange technology, no one will question the mileage anxiety of new energy." In the future, the mileage of new energy vehicles will be gradually standardized. In my opinion, a mileage of about 300 kilometers is a very economical and reasonable value. It is inconvenient to change electricity frequently if it is too short, and it will not make any sense to be long. When the electricity goes out, change the electricity, just like a fuel car. "


Xu Heyi also believes that the longer the mileage, the better. "the battery with a range of 600 km is twice as long as 300 km. Not to mention idling, the self-weight of the battery will increase, the wear and tear of the tires will be intensified, and the operating costs will also be greatly increased. The battery of an electric car with a range of 600 kilometers is equivalent to pulling itself every day, which costs a lot of electricity and consumes a hundred kilometers at the same time. Based on a variety of comprehensive factors, the mileage of 300 kilometers is enough. "

Earlier, Li Bin, chairman of Xilai Automobile, also said similar words, "blindly do range, without much technical content." For example, as long as the battery is installed a little more, make the car as streamlined as possible, sacrifice some space, and so on, just a few tricks. "Li Bin believes that blindly increasing the battery capacity is not a good way, it will affect the performance of the vehicle, as long as it is moderate. What is really needed is to do a good job of charging and charging service.


As we all know, the cost of electric vehicles mainly comes from batteries. Electric cars with a range of 300 to 200 kilometers are undoubtedly the most effective way to reduce costs for manufacturers, but this is probably not the result that consumers want most.

For consumers, mileage and charging time are the two keys to the experience of electric vehicles. If these two points are resolved, at least the convenience of using electric vehicles will be improved. In recent years, the country is vigorously promoting the development of electric vehicles, but electric vehicles have not been popularized for a long time, one of the reasons is that the battery technology has not made a big breakthrough, both the battery life and the charging time seriously affect the user experience. In the final analysis, the problem that electric vehicles want to popularize is the core technologies such as battery energy density and charging efficiency.

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