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All of a sudden! Another BYD new energy car caught fire with smoke

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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A BYD Qin Pro new energy car caught fire at a special charging station in Changning Road, Yantai, Shandong Province, according to auto media reports. From the video, we can see that the new energy vehicle was surrounded by a raging fire and billowed with smoke. The accident caused a large area of the vehicle involved to overfire and damage, basically in a state of scrap.

A screenshot of the chat posted online showed that after the BYD new energy vehicle had finished charging in the charging station, the owner pulled the charging gun out of the charging port. About five minutes later, when the owner was ready to start the vehicle and leave the charging station, he found that the chassis of the vehicle was noisy and smoking and burned, and immediately called 119 fire alarm for help.




This is not the first time a Qin Pro new energy vehicle has caught fire. At the end of May this year, a Qin Pro EV caught fire at a charging station in Shenzhen. From the relevant video, at first, there was a relatively violent open fire on the left side and bottom of the vehicle, which quickly flooded the entire car body, and finally the fire was put out under the rescue of the fire brigade, but the car was also burned into an empty frame.


It is understood that BYD Qin Pro officially launched on September 20, 2018, the new car launched the fuel version, DM dual-mode plug-in hybrid version and EV pure electric models, of which the EV version of the three models after subsidy price range of 16.99-189900 yuan.

Since the beginning of this year, BYD new energy vehicles have had a number of fire accidents, such as Qin Pro EV, Yuan EV, E5 and other models.

In early September 2020, netizens exposed a video of the spontaneous combustion of BYD E5, in which the vehicle involved was charging in the charging station at the time of the accident and caught fire during the charging process. According to the video, the vehicle involved was a taxi, which emitted thick smoke from the rear during the charging process, and then an open fire sprang out from the bottom of the vehicle and spread to the entire body.


Live Hainan, a radio and television station in Hainan, released a video of a BYD yuan EV smoking and burning in the street on September 12. From the video, a parked white BYD yuan EV new energy vehicle emits a lot of smoke, and there are many open fires at the bottom of the vehicle.


With a large number of new energy vehicles gradually put on the market, the fire incident has become a hot topic of social concern. Some netizens believe that as an emerging industry, some actions of new energy vehicles will be infinitely magnified by the outside world, and the fire incident has become the focus of network attention, so there is the illusion of "high spontaneous combustion rate". Some netizens believe that there are many reasons for the fire of new energy vehicles. New energy vehicles mainly provide energy through power batteries, and the current and voltage are relatively large, which to a certain extent increases the possibility of causing vehicles to catch fire.


In view of the current situation of new energy vehicles, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology also gave a statement. Xin Guobin, vice minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, once said that the battery is actually a very fragile component. In addition to the single battery, there is also a problem with the management of the battery pack, which requires high technical requirements, and it also needs timely maintenance and testing in the course of use. Otherwise, there is a greater risk in the charging process and an hour after charging. Once the thermal control management is not good, deflagration may occur. Even with this problem, the spontaneous combustion rate of new energy vehicles is still lower than that of traditional cars. Centralized management by the battery operator can improve the safety of the battery.

For the above BYD Qin Pro new energy vehicle charging fire, still waiting for the official investigation results, it is hoped that the official release of detailed investigation results and reports.

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