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Passat was almost scrapped after he collided with a taxi.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Netizens revealed that near the Fengyi East District of Siping Tiedong, Jilin Province, a taxi and a Passat car caught fire after a collision, and both cars were burned to an empty frame.

According to the video, the two cars should have collided at the intersection and caught fire immediately, and the vehicles had been burned beyond recognition before the fire brigade arrived. Although the fire brigade came to the scene to put out the fire, the two cars have been burned to an empty shell, almost scrapped.



Afterwards, the netizen approached the accident vehicle and found that one of the cars was Volkswagen Passat and the other taxi was unknown. At present, the specific casualties are still unknown, waiting for further official notification.

The reason why the accident attracted attention is that Passat was one of the participants in the accident, and the car has been in the limelight since the tragic "overturn" of the China Insurance Research Institute.


At the end of last year, PICC Research released the crash test results of the Passat model, in which 25% of the front offset collision suffered a serious collapse, and the P with the lowest score ranked at the bottom of all the Passat C-IASI models. At the same time, because the side impact can only get A rating, Passat finally got an M general rating in terms of "occupant safety index".

Serious collapse, A-pillar bending, airbag drift and car body deformation have become the biggest "black spots" in Passat's public opinion environment. Passat is complained by netizens that its safety is too poor, which directly leads to Passat's overall sales level.

Before that, Passat could still compete with Camry, Accord and other models, and its overall sales ranked among the top 10 in the car field, but Passat's sales also plummeted as the China Insurance Research Institute announced Passat's collision results. Figures show that the Passat sold 103967 vehicles in the first 10 months of this year, compared with 193502 for the whole of 2019.


In order to rectify Passat's name, SAIC Volkswagen voluntarily applied for the C-NCAP test of China Automotive Research Institute and finally won a five-star safety evaluation. Obviously, the five-star praise of the C-NCAP of China Automobile Research Institute has not only failed to be recognized, but has increased the doubts about Passat's safety.

It is understood that SAIC Volkswagen has contacted PICC Research in the hope that the new Passat can be tested again. However, since Haoying's results were unexpectedly made public, the C-IASI of PICC has made no new moves in recent months, Honda's results have also become a mystery, and it is difficult to predict whether Passat will correct his name.

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