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Apologizing and dealing with the person in charge, GAC Wei came to search "Bitcoin car purchase"

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On the last day of 2020, a Weibo post from Guangzhou Auto successfully attracted the attention of many netizens. "Guangzhou Qilai" once became a hot search term on Weibo.


On Dec. 31, GAC NIO posted a tweet on its official Weibo saying: "only unexpected, not impossible, the first Chinese car company to accept Bitcoin payment for car purchases!" Guang Qi Wei will give you more room for imagination. The tweet is accompanied by a picture of "the first car company in China to accept bitcoin payment". The big words are visible to the naked eye, with the Bitcoin logo and pictures of Guangqilai HYCAN 007 products at the bottom.


This wave of operations from Guang Qi Weiwei quickly aroused heated discussion among netizens, with netizens commenting on the Weibo below: "how long can it be guaranteed not to be deleted?" , "admit and delete it! Is the grandson.


As reports of GAC Weiwei's "Bitcoin car purchase" continued to ferment, officials deleted the original tweet and reposted it, changing "accept Bitcoin" to "accept digital currency", but quickly deleted it a few minutes later.


According to Baidu encyclopedia, Bitcoin is a P2P form of virtual encrypted digital currency, originally proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto on November 1, 2008, and officially born on January 3, 2009. Bitcoin hit an all-time high of $29211.89 on the morning of December 30, Beijing time, according to several media reports.

People concerned say the act may be suspected of breaking the law. At present, the renminbi is the only legal tender in China, designed, printed and issued by the people's Bank of China. The central bank and other departments have already banned virtual currencies such as bitcoin from participating in payment activities, and companies will be suspected of breaking the law if they allow bitcoin to participate in payment activities.


After a wave of operation, Guang Qi NIO thoroughly attracted attention and quickly boarded Weibo for hot search. Many netizens commented in their previous tweets that "it has been firm for more than 2 hours, it is not easy", "after a touch of btc fever, two hours at the peak, the only Weibo comment broke thousands", "such a big company, unexpectedly do not know the basic national policy, ignorant!" ……


In addition, some unwitting netizens mistook "Guang Qi Wei Lai" for "Wei Lai", which had a certain impact on the NIO brand, while NIO also showed a strong "desire for survival". Shortly after Guang Qi Wei came to delete the tweet, NIO Automobile official issued a statement: NIO never had a "bitcoin car purchase" plan.


Under the influence of public opinion on the Internet, Guang Qi Wei officially issued an apology: without full consideration and without obtaining financial regulatory permission, it became the first automobile company to accept the purchase of digital currency, thus arousing the attention of the public and deeply apologizing. It has carried out close internal self-examination and self-correction, and seriously dealt with the relevant responsible persons.


Data show that GAC Lai was established in April 2018, "Guangzhou Automobile system" and "NIO system" respectively account for 45% of the shares, while other shareholders account for 10%.

However, Xilai said: "GAC is an independent company jointly invested by GAC and NIO." Neither GAC nor Xilai's parent company sends managers to the company, nor does it participate in operation and management. GAC NIO is the name of the company, the product brand is called Hechuang, will not produce GAC or NIO brand products. To put it simply, NIO is just an investor and there is no other relationship between the two sides. "


Although GAC Lai is a joint venture brand jointly established by GAC GROUP and Lai Automobile, its sales in the market are not optimistic. Figures show that the HYCAN 007s have sold just 631 vehicles since it went on sale in April.

With only the last day left in 2021, many car companies also hope to attract public attention in marketing. Judging from GAC's behavior today, it has indeed earned enough heat and made more people realize the "charm" of this car company, but the final result is obviously not what GAC NIO wants. There are many ways of marketing, but "being famous" in this way is not something that can be solved with an apology.

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