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The list of the first collision results of C-NCAP 2021, Ford's model was only evaluated by Samsung.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On Feb. 8, China Automotive Research C-NCAP released the results of the first batch of collision tests in 2021, a total of six models participated in the crash test, including ideal ONE, Buick Unkway S, Volkswagen Suiteng, Dongfeng Yixuan, SAIC Volkswagen Weiran, Ford Leader S.


From this result, except for the 3-star test model S, all the test models have obtained five-star or above results.

All the test vehicles are in accordance with the 2018 version of C-NCAP rules, and the management rules carry out AEB test, pedestrian protection test, three real vehicle collision tests and whipping tests in turn, and complete the scoring and star evaluation. The three real car collision tests include 100% frontal rigid barrier collision, side collision and 40% frontal offset collision.

As the only new power car company, ideal ONE got a high score in this collision test, specific to four small items, the ideal ONE scored 91.24% in the full frontal crash test, 92.49% in the frontal 40% crash test, 100% in the side collision test and 91.40% in the whipping test.

In the frontal 40% crash test, the ideal ONE car body remains relatively intact and will not show obvious A-pillar bending as before, but the ideal ONE still has a high rating in China Insurance Research, so it will not get too low a rating in C-NCAP. It is worth noting that only airbags pop up in the front row of the ideal ONE in the collision.


Buick Enron S, as an American model, feels relatively sturdy, with a comprehensive score of more than 90% this time. From the frontal 100% collision test, the engine cabin collapses and deforms normally, the front airbag launches normally, and each door can be opened smoothly after the collision to facilitate escape, so the comprehensive performance is better.


Leading S, which is jointly produced by Jiangling and Ford, won the worst rating this time, and it is undoubtedly disappointing to win only three stars. After all, there is a big gap between China Auto Research C-NCAP, which has always given a five-star rating to car companies, and China Insurance Research. If it does not achieve good results in the China Automobile Research C-NCAP, it is conceivable that the safety protection of this model is worrying.

Specifically, Jiangling Ford collar S in the 100% front rigid barrier collision, the front collapse is serious, the fender and front door extrusion cracks, resulting in a low overall rating.


In addition, Dongfeng Yixuan, which is also an independent brand, got the second-to-last comprehensive score in this rating, but still won a five-star rating, which also means that it can meet the collision standard of SAIC C-NCAP. From the point of view of the scene, Dongfeng Yixuan front has a certain collapse, but the overall model remains intact, the front airbag has also been detonated, effectively protect the members.


There are also two Volkswagen models in the crash test, namely, SAIC-Volkswagen's prestige and FAW-Volkswagen's Suiteng, both of which show excellent results in the test. From the specific collision point of view, the SAIC Volkswagen Varan front is seriously damaged, including the fender and the front door are subject to varying degrees of deformation, but also because the front and side airbags are detonated, more effective protection of vehicle members. While FAW-Volkswagen Suiteng in addition to the front of the car has a certain collapse, the overall model remains more intact, while the front and side airbags are detonated.



From the results of this evaluation, except for the poor performance of Jiangling Ford leading S, all of them have achieved good performance, which also reflects that the new car safety crash test of China Automotive Research C-NCAP has a certain reference in the industry. However, its collision results have been questioned by the outside world more than once, and from its published collision results, the five-star evaluation is the majority, which is also the main reason for being called "five-star wholesale department" by many netizens, and the collision standard is relatively low.

In this regard, China Automobile Research C-NCAP has previously announced that it will update collision standards and rules to further promote the content of collision testing and assessment procedures to be more collaborative, more efficient, and better serve the automotive industry and the majority of consumers. However, the formal implementation of the C-NCAP Management rules (2021 version) will not begin until January 1, 2022, which means that it is still the old version of the management rules.

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