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Can Tesla identify "ghosts" that can't be seen by human eyes? Radar shows that there are people in no man's land.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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With the rapid development of intelligent vehicles, the automatic detection technology of vehicle models is becoming more and more mature, especially in the field of intelligent vehicles, Tesla belongs to the leading position. Recently, however, when the owner of Tesla was passing through no man's land, he found that there were many "people" in the radar detection that automatically identified obstacles on the car.

Recently, a netizen released a video of Tesla walking through the graveyard. In the video, the radar on the screen always shows a large number of pedestrians passing by in front of the vehicle, but no one is seen watching the video in front of the vehicle.

As soon as the video came out, it was quickly forwarded, and some netizens said that they were a little frightened, because it was in the graveyard, the vehicle passed by but did not see anyone, but the radar detected many people, reminiscent of the "ghost". However, some netizens think that the video may be a fake.

Coincidentally, another netizen recently released a similar video. A Tesla was driving in a tunnel when suddenly the vehicle central control radar detected a bus on both sides. From the radar monitoring, a bus-like object appeared on the right side of the vehicle. It is reported that this object continued to appear for about 10 minutes. The bus disappeared in the second half of the tunnel, but the actual vehicle did not appear on the way. This is reminiscent of the video shot by netizens in the graveyard before, and there is no doubt that some people are afraid. After the parties contacted Tesla after-sales, they learned that the other party said that it may be radar misdetection.

Tesla's autopilot, compared with other models on the market, really has a better experience, but this kind of radar misdetection may bring certain risks to drivers, for this situation is not Tesla sees a "ghost", but the vehicle will encounter an image of attacking the autopilot assist system (ADAS) during driving.

Especially after Tesla turned on the Autopolit function, Tesla, who was originally driving on a normal highway, would mistake various roadside signs (such as the Stop sign in the advertisement) for speed limit or stop signs, and then slammed on the brakes, which was called "ghost brakes" by some car owners, which undoubtedly increased the driving risk.

Fortunately, in the above video, the vehicle was misdetected by radar and there was no accident, so that the vehicle did not cause too serious consequences.


With the development and popularization of intelligent cars, allowing machines and AI to control vehicles can indeed liberate more operations of drivers and further achieve self-driving. However, from the perspective of many current cases, there are still many problems that can not be solved. The original development of radar detection is to enable passengers to make emergency protection in a more timely and secure manner, but if the additional issuance of accidents is caused by radar misdetection, it is undoubtedly a retrogression of development.

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