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Tesla will launch EDR query software and hardware, and car owners can query data on their own.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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According to media reports, Tesla's US official website will launch the incident data recorder EDR query software this year, which allows car owners to query vehicle driving data and generate corresponding data reports to help car owners better understand the cause of the accident.




What is EDR? EDR, whose full name is Event Data Recorder, usually starts work when the vehicle state changes drastically. Its function is to record some data related to vehicle dynamics and safety in the event of a collision, including vehicle speed, ABS status, steering wheel steering angle, engine state, airbag state, seat belt status, throttle position, driving assistance system status, and vehicle speed changes after a collision. These data can effectively restore the real situation at the time of the incident. The data is stored locally, and reading requires a special device to physically connect to the vehicle, which ensures that the data is not modified.


Tesla has been controversial in a number of collision accidents, and background driving data need to be authorized by the relevant regulatory authorities to provide, to a certain extent, consumers' doubts about Tesla's products. In addition, Tesla even published the background data, because the published data is incomplete, the authenticity of the data is also controversial. The most classic case is the rights protection incident of "Tesla went to the Shanghai Motor Show", which caused a lot of uproar some time ago. The rights protection car owners repeatedly asked Tesla for driving data, but Tesla was not enough. After the car show rights protection incident, under the pressure of many state media and regulatory authorities, they finally provided the rights protection car owners with complete driving data half an hour before the accident, but the rights protection car owners also raised questions. The data provided by Tesla is not complete, and a series of specific project parameters, such as brake pedal displacement, throttle pedal displacement, motor torque, car body excitation, energy recovery, power assist system working status, ESP working status and so on, are not reflected in the data. In this regard, the rights owners asked Tesla to provide complete driving data.


If Tesla online event data recorder EDR query software, will effectively solve the car owners' doubts about the cause of the vehicle collision. However, at present, only North American Tesla owners can get EDR-related software for free, and the cables necessary to read the data cost US $1200. In other words, it is not easy for consumers to manage their own driving data in a short time.

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