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Is the design of Tesla single pedal reasonable? The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology gives the answer

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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According to the official website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, a few days ago, netizens left a message to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on "whether Tesla's kinetic energy recovery system is declared and safe in accordance with the regulations." The netizen said that the combination of the "kinetic energy recovery function" with the acceleration pedal makes the acceleration pedal have a braking effect, violates the car's driving habits, and leads to numerous traffic accidents that mistakenly step on the acceleration pedal. It is hoped that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will examine whether Tesla's design is reasonable and whether he has submitted a complete design description.


In this regard, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology responded in the Minister's mailbox: braking energy recovery and single-pedal driving mode are one of the new technologies of new energy vehicles. These technologies are not unique to Tesla. When purchasing and using relevant new energy products, users should be familiar with the technical characteristics of new energy vehicles to ensure driving safety.


The so-called single pedal mode is through the acceleration pedal to achieve vehicle start, acceleration and deceleration and other operations, step down acceleration, release deceleration, as long as the driver is skilled, start, taxiing, braking and other operations can be accomplished by controlling the strength of the pedal. It is worth mentioning that the single pedal mode does not mean that Tesla has only one pedal, let alone the disappearance of braking function. Although under normal driving conditions, the single pedal mode is sufficient to complete most acceleration and deceleration operations, the driver still needs the brake pedal to complete in case of emergency.

In fact, the "single pedal" mode uses the braking effect of kinetic energy recovery to achieve deceleration. Under the kinetic energy recovery system of the electric vehicle, the vehicle will make use of the inertia of deceleration to make the wheel drive the motor to generate electricity and bring the effect of deceleration to the vehicle. Driving with kinetic energy recovery, loosening the accelerator pedal will lead to the same deceleration process as the brake.

Tesla's "single pedal" mode caused great controversy, mainly because many drivers who first came into contact with the single pedal mode could not adapt to this set of operating habits, vehicles had a strong sense of frustration, and even suspected that driving on a single pedal would cause safety risks.

Tesla accidents have occurred frequently in the past month, and by combing through Tesla's investigation reports on many accidents, the cause of the accident is basically caused by vehicle owners' operational errors or other objective factors, while most car owners think that Tesla has "brake failure". However, it is still unclear whether it is the improper operation of the driver or the problem of Tesla's products.


The single pedal mode is contrary to the thinking of the traditional fuel vehicle use habit. Most drivers are already very familiar with the traditional fuel vehicle driving mode, and suddenly contact with Tesla's single pedal mode seems particularly unfamiliar. Tao Lin, vice president of foreign affairs of Tesla, once said publicly, "in the use of vehicles, we also need to strengthen consumer education, and we need to cooperate with driving schools and transportation departments to let everyone understand the use of the new car." avoid misoperation in the use process, or some other problems caused by lack of functional understanding. " Tesla also said recently that "there has never been any brake failure, nor have we received any cases of collision or injury caused by the situation." At present, whether it is the driver's operation error or the problem of Tesla's products that caused the accident, maybe time will give the final answer.

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