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After the brand independence, Jetta released sales figures for July, with sales of 15745 vehicles in July.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Recently, Jetta announced that it sold 15745 vehicles in July, an increase of 39% from the previous month. From January to July this year, it achieved cumulative sales of 92198 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 107.95%. In terms of specific models, the Jetway X70 sold 12041 vehicles in July, making it the responsibility of sales. The X90 series, represented by the Jettos X90, sold 3704 vehicles in July.


On the night of the Jetway Brand on July 8 this year, the Jetway brand of Chery Holdings was upgraded to Jetta Automobile, becoming one of the three major brands on a par with Chery and Xingtu. It also means that Jetway is no longer on Chery's product line, but an independent car brand. The new Jetta car, the Jetta Xmuri 1, also debuted. Yin Tongyue, chairman of Chery holding Group, said at the scene: "Jetway brands should make the 'travel +' market segment into the first place in the industry." In addition, Jettos launches one or two new cars every year. It is estimated that by 2026, 10 production bases will be built around the world, covering 60 countries and regions.


According to the data, Jetway, which belongs to Chery Holdings Group, was officially launched in January 2018. The first Jetway X70 was launched in 2018. After its launch, it became popular with its accurate market positioning and high performance-to-price ratio, and its sales continued to exceed 10,000, making it a dark horse in the SUV market. At the beginning of 2019, the brand set a sales target of 150000 vehicles, but Jetta actually sold 138000 vehicles in 2019, which failed to meet the target. Jettos set a target of 200000 vehicles in 2020, but due to the epidemic and market reasons, the brand sold only 130700 vehicles, down 5.99% from the same period last year, and also failed to meet the annual target. At present, Jetway has X90, X70, X70M, X95 and other models on sale.


Chery has many sub-brands, from Weilin, Ruilin, Kaiyi, Guanzhi, to the current shortcut and Xingta. however, although there are many sub-brands, the sales volume is not optimistic, and the overall sales volume is very bleak. for example, the monthly sales of TXL under the high-end brand Star Road are about 2000, and the monthly sales of X90 of Jetway are also about 2000. At present, the main models with good sales under Chery Holdings are Ruihu 8, Ruihu 7, Ruihu 5X, Arize 5 PLUS, Chery small ants and other models, which basically sell more than 5000 vehicles a month.

The shortcut is no longer satisfied with a series of products owned by Chery, but has officially become a brand. For independent brands, from a series to a brand or many can more or less represent their determination to develop, but whether they can be recognized and trusted by consumers cannot be changed overnight. in this era when joint venture cars are selling more and more cheaply, independent high-end brands are facing unprecedented pressure. For the future, Jetta said it will launch a number of new products, including 4 SUV,3 cross-border models and a number of hybrid models, as for the development of Jetta after independence, we will wait and see.

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