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Extreme krypton car delivery owner Mid-Autumn Festival moon cakes moldy! Official apology

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Recently, many would-be owners of polar krypton 001 reported on the Internet that the moon cake gift boxes sent by polar krypton 001 were moldy. According to the pictures posted by the car owner, one of the moon cakes showed obvious mildew and deterioration in the polar krypton moon cake gift box. In addition, some car owners reported that they had received a text message from Polar Krypton to stop sending mooncake gift boxes and reminded car owners who had received not to eat them.




For this matter, the extreme krypton car also released a statement on the packaging of the extreme krypton Mid-Autumn Festival mooncakes, which said: in the past two days, we have received feedback from individual users that the black "lava-charcoal roasted taro mud cheese flavor" moon cakes have deteriorated and are unfit for consumption. We immediately check the whole production and circulation process of the moon cakes. And finally confirmed that a small part of the black moon cakes produced on August 27 will be spoiled and inedible during the shelf life due to the damage to the packaging and air tightness in the production process. In addition, Polar Krypton also said that the company contacted the supplier to confirm that there was no problem and then restart the gift box distribution.


However, Polar Krypton Motors then issued another statement saying that it had recently received feedback from users that there were hidden problems with some mooncakes in the Sept. 1 batch, so it decided to stop giving and distributing gift boxes from September 15. For users who have received gift boxes, extreme krypton is reminded to avoid consumption, and the company will reach relevant users through online customer service, text messages, outbound calls and so on. In addition, the polar krypton car said that as compensation, polar krypton will give an additional 2000 points to all owners of cars and users who buy gift boxes at their own expense, in addition to the 1000 extreme points promised last time. Refunds and refunds will be made for users who buy in cash or some of them at the Polar Mall.


It is worth noting that not long ago, Zhihu platform was also exposed as a gift of moon cakes to its users, which caused many users to have diarrhea after eating. In the end, it turned out to be due to the problem of ingredients. Zhihu officially also issued a letter of apology through Weibo, saying that the selected moon cakes meet the food quality standards, but due to the lack of experience in the procurement process, ignoring the maltitol used as a substitute for sugar may cause some people to be intolerant. If it causes physical discomfort, the moon cakes that have been issued will be recalled. Zhihu moon cake turned over mainly because of health considerations, in order to achieve low sugar, Zhihu moon cake used sugar alcohol instead of white granulated sugar, Zhihu used maltol this time. Maltol has the problem of indigestion. The more you eat, the more obvious the symptoms. Generally, eating 20g maltol at a time may cause diarrhea in sensitive people, and eating 50g at a time will cause diarrhea in half of the population. The contract factory of Zhihu custom moon cakes uses up to 34.5 grams of maltol, which is enough to cause some people's stomach discomfort, diarrhea and other problems.


With the Mid-Autumn Festival approaching, many enterprises have also launched gratitude activities for old customers, such as giving companion gifts and holding family banquets for old customers. Of course, these original intentions are good, mailing the user moon cake gift box, not only in response to the times, but also by virtue of the original moon cake gift box shape to enhance the user's stickiness to the brand. However, as stated in the extreme Krypton statement, in any type of selection, stricter and higher quality standards must be implemented, and the quality of gifts must be checked, otherwise it will become a good intention to do bad things.

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