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Jia Yueting: Musk is a comrade-in-arms, not an opponent

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Recently, Tesla CEO Musk revealed in an interview that he once bought Tesla's car trademark from a man for 75000 US dollars. He sent a very good-tempered person to buy it, and finally got it. Musk said in his comments that if the Tesla car trademark had not been obtained at that time, it might have been called "Faraday", but that name was already used by competitors. In this regard, Faraday's future founder Jia Yueting commented: "We are comrades-in-arms rather than competitors in the development of human science." Let FARADAY and TESLA continue to be great in the 21st century! Salute to the adventurers who dare to promote the progress of human society and create an intelligent electric travel ecology! "


At the end of last month, when Tesla's market capitalization exceeded a trillion US dollars, Jia Yueting also sent a congratulatory message. He said that it has been only 21 months since he congratulated Tesla on breaking through the market capitalization of $100 billion and now Tesla has broken through the market capitalization of $1,000bn. this is a moment enough to write down the history of new energy vehicles. Tesla has become the fifth largest technology company in the world with a market capitalization of more than a trillion US dollars, and also exceeds the combined market capitalization of 11 traditional car companies, including Toyota, Volkswagen, General Motors and Ford. In addition, it also said that the social value that FF futurists eventually want to create will be constantly recognized by the majority of users and the capital market, and will eventually be reflected in the company's market capitalization.


It is worth noting that Jia Yueting said in an interview with the media in 2016: he hopes to surpass Tesla and lead the industry into a new era. However, from the market capitalization of both sides, the gap is not generally large. As of November 7, the total market capitalization of FF was $2.828 billion, while that of Tesla was $1.23 trillion. The market capitalization of FF is 435 times that of Tesla. At present, it is difficult for FF to surpass Tesla.

According to relevant data, Jia Yueting began his dream of building a car in 2014, Faraday's future was created in 2016, and Faraday's first mass-produced electric car, FF 91, was officially launched in Las Vegas in January 2017. then the company announced the completion of $1 billion in round A financing, with Leeco founder Jia Yueting serving as global CEO and chief product officer. Evergrande led the Evergrande Group to introduce funds in 2018, but the car-building project continued to stagnate because of differences between the two sides on the issue of control. It was not until July 22, 2021 that Faraday was officially listed on the NASDAQ Stock Exchange in the United States.


When listing, Jia Yueting said in an interview with the media: FF listing is a new starting point, solved the biggest funding problem, and then go all out to achieve 12 months of mass production. " With regard to the debt problem that the public is most concerned about, Jia Yueting responded, "I will solve it completely." As to whether he would return to China, Jia Yueting gave an accurate answer: "that's a must!" It is worth noting that in the more than six years since Jia Yueting announced that the car was built and put on the market, FF has burned up 2 billion US dollars, but not a single mass production car has gone offline.


For Jia Yueting, the listing of FF is indeed a new starting point, which can solve the financial problem of the company's operation, but how long Jia Yueting's dream of building a car can last is still unknown. As an electric company founded in 2014, it started earlier than the current new car-making power, Xiaopeng and ideal. If FF91 could have mass production in the first place, it may very likely become the next Tesla, but it is a pity that FF91 did not achieve mass production at that time. Nowadays, the competition in the market is becoming more and more fierce, which will face more challenges for FF.

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