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Jia Yueting is going home? Will Faraday's future domestic production base be located in Shanxi?

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Recently, a user posted a message on the secondary market exchange platform that, at the invitation of Guoqin Capital Co., Ltd., French Automobile (China) Co., Ltd. held an online working meeting with the management committee of Shanxi Changzhi High-tech Zone. The two sides discussed all aspects of Faraday's future Chinese production base in Changzhi, Shanxi Province. A photo also appeared on a short video platform showing the words "FF online docking meeting in Changzhi High-tech Zone". Faraday declined to comment on the news in the future.


Some netizens said, is Jia Yueting going back to China? Data show that Jia Yueting was born in Shanxi Province, but in Linfen City, not Changzhi City. Earlier, after the bell ringing ceremony for Faraday's future listing, Jia Yueting made it clear in an interview with China Business News that Faraday's future listing would mean a new starting point and bring an important cash flow to the company, and would spare no effort to achieve 12-month mass production and delivery, and had great confidence in FF91's on-time production. When asked if he would return to China, Jia Yueting gave an accurate answer: "that's a must!"

Looking back, Faraday Future was founded in 2016, and the initial development was very smooth. In January 2017, Faraday officially launched its first mass-production electric car, the FF 91, in Las Vegas, and then the company announced the completion of a $1 billion round of financing. Unfortunately, after the crisis broke out in Letv, a large number of talents poached by FF from Tesla and BMW left one after another and were once on the verge of bankruptcy. Hold hands with Evergrande Group to introduce funds in 2018, but the two sides broke up in disagreement over the issue of control, and the car-building project continued to stagnate. In the twinkling of an eye, after Jia Yueting declared personal bankruptcy, FF successfully went public, raised more than $1 billion, and made great progress in mass production of the first electric car, the FF91. After Faraday is listed in the future, it is also favored by the capital market. In August, FF received an American data mining company Palantir to invest $25 million in FF, followed by Paris Asset Management in France to invest another $40 million. In September, Jiancang FF, the leading pioneer of the world's largest public offering fund, bought a total of 539000 shares, making it the fifth largest shareholder in FF. And the beginning of Vanguard leading Navigation is not small, it is the largest shareholder of Microsoft and Apple, and the second largest shareholder of Tesla.


However, FF also received a lot of skepticism. On Oct. 7, J Capital Research, a US short seller, released a short selling report on FF, calling it an "emerging electric car scam" and saying it "doesn't think FF can sell even one car". It is understood that the agency said in the report that it recently conducted on-site visits to the future of Faraday and the analysis of Faraday's future financial report data and technical capabilities, combined with a series of post-listing capital operations, and listed a series of 10 items, including misappropriation of public funds, factory delays, false orders, and so on, and said bluntly that "I don't think FF can sell a car." At the same time, he also said that he learned from a visit to the former engineering director of FF that he did not think the company's electric vehicles were ready to go into production. In addition, FF promised to restart its Hanford plant in California and mass-produce electric cars within seven months, but found little action during three visits to the plant from August to September, and company officials said there were still engineering problems to be solved.


In response to the short selling report, Jia Yueting responded on Weibo: "Hot stir-fry with cold rice is nonsense!" And reminded J Capital Research that "it's not the first time I've been hit in the face." People related to FF also said that the report is full of misleading information, lack of logic and no factual basis. FF expressed disappointment and condemnation of the agency's irresponsible actions and reserved the right of legal prosecution for such false allegations.


Recently, Faraday Future said it was investigating financial fraud allegations made by short seller J Capital, including FF suspected of fraud, misrepresentation of FF91 bookings and improper profits made by founder Jia Yueting. In addition, Faraday said in the future: "Faraday seeks to conduct business in the most ethical and transparent manner in the future." As a newly listed company, as part of the review, the board is working to ensure that the company complies with the highest standards of conduct. " Meanwhile, Faraday disclosed a third-quarter loss of $280 million (about 1.788 billion yuan) and said it would deliver the first batch of FF91 in July 2022.

Judging from its third-quarter loss, it still needs a continuous capital injection to build its car, but FF91's mass production is still on its way. According to the relevant data, the cumulative loss of FF has reached $2.39 billion by the end of 2020, and the net loss of FF in 2019 and 2020 is $142 million and $147 million respectively. In addition, FF's cash flow is not optimistic, with working capital of-$688 million in 2019 and-$835 million in 2020. If it is not guaranteed that the first batch of FF91,FF will be delivered on time, the situation will not be optimistic.

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