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BMW X3 twice "can not stop" 4S store collision again: the test data is normal

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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According to media reports, Ms. Ha's BMW X3 had a "brake failure" twice at a red light intersection and collided again during a road test in the 4S store for the third time, but the 4S store said "the driving data is normal".

On November 7, when Ms. Ha was driving a BMW X3 to work on the South Street of Zhongguancun, Haidian District, the vehicle suddenly appeared the situation of "brake failure". Ms. Ha said, "at that time, the speed was 30-40 km / h, and the brakes were pressed ahead of time at the red light at the intersection, but the vehicle did not slow down after pressing the brakes deeply many times." Ms. ha said that although it snowed that day, the road was only slippery and did not freeze. If the traffic light had not turned green at the last minute, I am afraid it would have rear-ended the car in front of it.


Ms. Ha suspected that there might be a problem with the vehicle braking system, so she contacted the Jiabao 4S store of Beijing Express in Shunyi District, hoping to go back to the store for testing. However, on the way to the 4S store, I once again encountered the situation of "not stopping" the car. For Ms. Ha twice "can not stop" situation, 4S store said that the need for road tests to test the braking effect of vehicles. However, the staff of the 4S store did not have a problem with the braking test on the road, but collided with the parked maintenance vehicle after driving to the top floor of the parking building. Ms. Ha said that she was also driving at a low speed at that time, but the 4S store did not think that there was a problem with the braking system, but that the staff error caused the accident.

Ms. Ha does not agree with the statement of the 4S store and hopes to check whether the brake system is abnormal through professional equipment and then leave the car in the 4S store. The next day, Ms. Ha got the test report from the 4S store: "the computer test data is not abnormal." Ms. ha said that twice "can not stop" plus "impact", see that the test data is not abnormal, feel more terrible than the existence of anomalies. Subsequently, Ms. Ha reflected the problem to BMW's Chinese customer service, and the other party replied: "the test results of the 4S store shall prevail."

Ms. Ha said that after the vehicle collision, the traffic police were unable to tell whether the cause of the collision was brake failure or operational error, but when they accessed the surveillance video to restore the process of the accident, the 4S store said that because the store was being renovated, the surveillance camera was not turned on. In this regard, the relevant person in charge of the 4S store said that Ms. Ha's BMW X3 arranged a road test at the store on the same day, and the operation was in line with the in-store process. Driving up the parking building because the customer proposed to test on the slippery road: "the slippery road is one of the causes of the collision. At that time, there was snow on the top floor of the parking building, and at the same time, the snow may have frozen under the snow, and the reduction of adhesion inside will have a certain impact on the braking performance."

As it is impossible to know whether there is a connection between the vehicle crash and the previous two brake "failures", Ms. Ha asked whether a braking force test could be conducted on the basis of the vehicle computer test data report, but the 4S store said that the test could not be carried out in the store at present. You can contact other 4S stores to carry out the test, and if there is still no problem with the test results, the road test will be conducted again with the consent of the car owner. However, the cost of braking force test should be borne by Ms. Ha herself.


In this regard, Ms. Ha said: "I question the braking system, the car also has a collision accident in the store, the probability is pure coincidence, but not large, this part of the testing cost should be borne by the 4S store." 4S store official said: "4S store testing items are not all free, it depends on whether it belongs to the scope of BMW claims, not car owners to the store put forward by the testing project requirements are free, but if there is a problem with the vehicle, 4S store will certainly bear all in-store testing costs." However, in the end, the 4S store conducted a brake force test for the BMW X3 for free, and the final result was still "data normal".

Both tests showed that "the data is normal", and Ms. ha gradually lost confidence in solving the brake problem and decided to return the car. However, the 4S store said that the test report showed that the vehicle was not abnormal and did not comply with the return of the car, or it could be tested by a third-party testing agency.

After several rounds of negotiations, the 4S store also offered a compensation plan for Ms. Ha, who could choose to repair the car or sell the car through BMW's used car division. Among them, the 4S store can repair the collision part of Ms. Harbin's vehicle, and at the same time, in order to make up for the vehicle loss caused by the mistakes of the 4S store staff, the store can give the "owner care" policy, such as giving maintenance hours and so on. If Ms. Ha wants to "return the car", the 4S store can help her go through the used car repurchase process, and the used car department in the store will buy back according to the state that the vehicle has no accident, but the car price needs to calculate the discount rate of the vehicle for nearly half a year.

At first, Ms. Ha did not agree with the buyback plan. The used car repurchase plan given by the 4S store is based on the price of the used car after normal use, but she believes that it should be recycled according to the price of the new car on the basis of the problem with the vehicle itself. Since then, after the 4S store insisted that the car was fine and could not be repurchased at the price of the new car, Ms. Ha was ready to accept the used car buyback plan. However, after making an inquiry, Ms. Ha found that there was a "trick" in the buyback plan of the 4S store.

According to the buyback plan given by the Jiabao 4S store of Beijing Express, due to the loss to Ms. Harbin, the original half-year vehicle discount rate was reduced to between 3% and 5%, allowing Ms. Harbin to reduce the price loss.

At the same time, after asking other 4S stores, it was found that due to the shortage of chips, the repurchase price of the second-hand car department of the quasi-new car 4S store in good condition was basically the "ticket price" of the new car, which once again aroused Ms. Ha's dissatisfaction with the 4S store. The relevant person in charge of the 4S store said that for the current situation that BMW's quasi-new cars can be bought back at the original price, relevant activities were held in October this year, but they are now over. However, after several coordination, the 4S store finally agreed to open a ticket price to buy back the BMW X3.

Ms. Ha said, "I have always liked the BMW brand very much, but I am a little disappointed with the BMW brand after this incident." From the emergence of brake problems to the compensation scheme, 4S stores have a strong attitude, and it is also a pit in the compensation scheme. " When asked what brand of car she would change, Ms. Ha smiled bitterly: "actually, I also want to change the BMW X3."

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