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Mercedes-Benz E-Star received a collective complaint, and the online marketing art documents were exposed.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On December 4, Changan New Energy issued the notice on further strengthening the communication and delivery of orders for the received Mercedes-Benz E-Star, which explicitly responded that the cash Mercedes-Benz E-Star has not stopped production and stopped accepting current model orders in order to avoid longer delivery waiting time.

With regard to the price increase, the notice said: all dealers shall strictly follow the price agreed with the customer. Model, organize delivery according to order order. At the same time, Changan New Energy also said that due to the large backlog of orders in the Mercedes-Benz E-Star, if there is a delay in delivery, please take the initiative to communicate with customers to obtain user understanding, orderly delivery according to orders, and quickly eliminate user concerns.


Changan New Energy made the following three points clear in the notice: 1, all dealers are invited to actively contact users and do a good job of communication between customers who have ordered Mercedes-Benz E-star cars and those who have not delivered them: the cash Mercedes-Benz E-Star car series has not stopped production, and the purpose of stopping accepting orders for current models is to avoid longer delivery waiting time. The company is making every effort to ensure the supply of cash Mercedes-Benz E-Star cars, full production and delivery to meet the pick-up needs of end users as soon as possible. 2. Each dealer shall strictly follow the price agreed with the customer in the contract. Model, organize delivery according to order order. 3, the year is approaching, please all dealers to do a good job of communication services, do a good delivery organization, after the vehicle arrives at the terminal, the first time to organize delivery, so that users pick up the car earlier.

Due to "fare increase in disguise" and "failure to bring up the car", Changan Mercedes-Benz E-Star was protected by a number of prospective car owners. According to the prospective owner of the Mercedes-Benz E-Star, the car booking contract is expected for more than a month in July, but when the car arrives, it is required to add 5000 yuan to buy a service package. If you don't buy it, you won't give it to the next one who can accept it. Although it is impossible to determine whether there is a fare increase in the Chang'an Mercedes-Benz E-Star, similar feedback can be found everywhere in the car circle.





At the same time, some car owners also exposed a number of documents about "the switching and adjustment of Benz E-Star products" in the circle of friends, which recorded the words aimed at new and old users, including key responses to questions such as consumers not buying service packages, suspected fare increases in disguise, and long waiting for cars. Of course, after all, it is an online file, and we cannot be sure of the authenticity of the document.



For example, for old order users, when the car owner mentioned "the previous order is a national version, is it possible not to buy a service package", the response is "the service package is voluntary in principle, but it is still recommended that you buy it and buy a lifetime income at one time". At the same time, many benefits of purchasing a service package are given. When the old car owner mentioned "suspected price increase sales in disguise", the phone response once again stated that "the service package is voluntary and you can choose not to buy it or not." if you do not buy the service package, you can continue to wait for the original model, but due to the insufficient supply of chips and batteries, the time for the old car to pick up the car will be longer. For new order users, when it comes to the price increase of 10, 000 yuan for the national version of Mercedes-Benz E-Star, the response is that the price increase of 10, 000 yuan is based on the configuration upgrade of the original model, three electrical warranty upgrades and service upgrades, with a total value of 16000 yuan, but the price is only increased by 10, 000 yuan, which makes it more cost-effective. When consumers mention "want to buy old cars", they will make it clear that they no longer accept orders for old cars, and now accept orders for brand-new colorful models, that is, new cars with a price increase of 10,000 yuan after many upgrades.


As can be seen from the above, consumers are not forced to buy service packages, but only the national version of the Mercedes-Benz E-Star accepts bookings. At the same time, due to the influence of chips, three electricity and other supply, the old cars are subjectively guided to increase money to buy service packages, which can pick up the car faster and enjoy more rights and interests at the same time. It is understood that the 5000 yuan service package is mainly aimed at the three service rights and interests launched by the first car owner, including "three electricity lifetime warranty" (equivalent to 10 years, 300000 kilometers), "basic maintenance for life (equivalent to 10 years, 300000 kilometers) free"; lifelong (10 years) "active door-to-door service", free door-to-door pick-up and return of cars within 20 kilometers, free service opportunities twice a year.

It is understood that the cash Changan Mercedes-Benz E-Star officially listed in April 2020, the guiding price of 6.98-74800 yuan, official data to continue 301km. Perhaps it is because sales are so dismal that officials have not released their specific sales in 2020. In January 2021, the national version of Changan Mercedes-Benz E-Star went on sale at a price of 29800-43800 yuan. On November 15, the national version of Mercedes-Benz E-Star went on sale, and the price was raised to 49800 yuan.


Compared with the old Mercedes-Benz E-Star, the national version of the Mercedes-Benz E-Star eliminated airbags, parking radars, brake aids, wheels changed from aluminum alloy to steel, air conditioners only provided warm air, lithium iron phosphate batteries, etc., but this led to lower prices and greatly increased sales of the Mercedes-Benz E-Star. According to the Federation of passengers, Mercedes-Benz EV sold a total of 59537 vehicles in the first 10 months, most of which came from E-Star.

Whether there is a price increase in Changan Mercedes-Benz E-Star, we do not judge, but there are indeed a lot of related voices in the market. Some lawyers have also suggested that if a consumer fails to deliver the car within the time limit by the dealer without good reason or force the consumer to increase the price, which constitutes a breach of contract, he may choose to complain to the consumer association, or complain or report to the local commerce department at or above the county level, such as the location of the dealer, which has the authority of supervision and management. A civil action may also be brought to the people's court with jurisdiction on the basis of the car purchase contract signed with the dealer.

According to Article 16 of the Law of the people's Republic of China on the Protection of Consumer Rights and interests, business operators shall abide by social morality, operate in good faith and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers when providing commodities or services to consumers; unfair and unreasonable trading conditions shall not be set and transactions shall not be forced.

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