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Ticket skipping in March, ideal ONE owners and so on came navigation-assisted driving push.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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At the launch of the ideal ONE 2021 new car in May, ideal car CEO Li Xiang himself said that the NOA navigation-assisted driving system would be officially launched in September this year, but the release time has not been announced. Today, some car owners have received the upgrade push of the system, which contains the most important function is the navigation-assisted driving system NOA3.0.

Ideal NOA3.0 can achieve point-to-point navigation assistance in highway sections, guide drivers in and out of ramps, recommend drivers to change lanes, and intelligently adjust speed according to speed limits. Can identify cone barrel, triangle plate, ramp, double solid line, dotted line, solid line and take over the vehicle. Among the three Wei Xiaoli, Xiaopeng and NIO, the latter two have NGP and NOP intelligent driving assistance systems respectively. Previously, the ideal car used the L2 level driving assistance function commonly used in the business. This upgrade also means that the NOA system that ideal car owners have been waiting for for a long time has finally come. It is worth noting that after this OTA update, visual parking function has been added in 2022 models, and navigation-assisted driving function can be turned on in 2021 ideal ONE models. Therefore, 2020 car owners who defended their rights because of their ideal secret upgrade six months ago once again expressed their dissatisfaction under the news on the official Weibo.


Ideal car released its new ideal ONE on May 25, priced at 338000 yuan and 348000 yuan, which is only 10, 000 yuan more expensive than the old model. The news of the launch of the new car shocked the ideal owners of the old model who had just mentioned the car, as the ideal sales consultant told them that the new model would be 400000, with little difference in performance and an annual change. Indeed, the new model does not change much in appearance and interior, but it adjusts and upgrades the software and hardware and configuration of the auxiliary driving system. the new car adds / upgrades the AD advanced driving assistance system, Gaud HD map, dual "range 3" chip and other configurations, the power system is still composed of a 1.2T three-cylinder engine and generator, pure electric mileage 188km, integrated mileage 1080km.

This system upgrade also confirms the huge difference between the two models. The old car owners turn on the visual parking function, while the new car owners get the navigation-assisted driving system NOA3.0. The 100000 old car owners who started before the release of the new model feel that they have been deceived, and the old car owners on this side start pulling banners on the road after the launch of the new car.


Ideal car said that the 2020 ideal ONE and 2021 models have a lot of the same hardware, and will receive simultaneous software maintenance and continuous optimization upgrades in the future. In different parts, the company will also provide hardware upgrade services for old car owners as far as it can. With regard to the upgrade of the old model, the ideal car said that the hardware of the 2020 model is the same as the 2021 ideal ONE engine system, and in the future, it will synchronize the OTA and get the same user experience; the function and experience of voice interaction will also be iterated simultaneously on the new and old models; and the visual parking capability will be the same, and the later experience will also be upgraded synchronously. But there are also some hardware that cannot be upgraded. The hardware and rear three-in-one motor of the 2021 ideal ONE equipped with NOA navigation-assisted driving system have undergone great changes due to the installation of hard points and wire harness on the car body. After many rounds of technical research, there is no way to safely upgrade for users. The 2021 steering wheel is designed for the NOA, the number of buttons and logic have changed, and the harness is not compatible with the 2020, so it cannot be upgraded.

Finally, the ideal car will offer the following four paid upgrades to older car owners in the second half of the year: first and second row seat upgrades, electric suction doors with electronic child locks, sports mid-net upgrades, and automatic anti-glare and rimless rearview mirrors. However, none of the above upgrade schemes satisfied the owners of the old ideal ONE.

The old owners are dissatisfied, and the new owners have a similar feeling. Ideal once promised to launch NOA-assisted driving in September, but has not waited for the news since then. After all, they spent more money, and half a year later, they did not receive the update of the maximum navigation assistance system, which once caused a storm of rights protection. This makes the car owner feel as if he has been falsely advertised. The original choice of the ideal ONE is out of his trust and expectation of the NOA navigation assistance system. His car obviously has relevant accessories, but it is only a decoration. Although the flowers are almost gone, now we postpone March, and finally wait for the update of the system.


Ideal car does not explain the reason for the delay, but it is only the progress of software development and the impact of some chip delivery. The biggest delay factor is the progress of software development. In mid-November, some internal test users and media have participated in the grayscale test of the navigation-assisted driving system NOA3.0. In this half-month, the NOA-assisted driving system has been upgraded three times from 3.0.9 to 3.0.13, and the rapid iterative development of the Internet shows incisively and vividly.


This is also the difference between electric vehicles and traditional car companies in the process control of the system. I don't know whether it will maintain a similar update pace after the release. NOA3.0 is a test version, and of course, electric car giant Tesla has recently released a test version of FSD Beta 10.6, which is a radical way to deploy applications directly, even in the software development industry. Of course, users don't care about this, and the problems that may arise leave enough room to explain and fix them. At the end of last month, Tesla FSD beta 10.3 version was delayed and then suddenly withdrawn, and did not explain the specific reasons to the outside world. After investigation, Tesla admitted that there were problems with FSD Beta 10.3, and that the updated vision system would sometimes detect abnormal speed of external objects, resulting in false collision warnings and false braking.

In the actual self-driving application, the horizon distance of the ideal car is similar to that of Tesla's FSD, although the two sides have a 14.4-fold difference in computing power, and both use 12 ultrasonic radars. Tesla judges the lane by vision, while the ideal car relies more on map assistance and tends to drive in a conservative way.

Charging separately for software is another innovation of electric cars. Compared with the maintenance costs of traditional cars, electric cars also need to buy an autopilot system, which requires an one-time buyout or an annual or monthly renewal fee. Tesla's fully self-driving FSD is priced at 64000 yuan (including hardware), and in the first quarter of this year, domestic electric car brand Xiaopeng Motor reported software revenue of 80 million yuan. At the time, he Xiaopeng said that Xiaopeng car XPILOT 3.0 payment rate is 25%. Another car brand NIO's autopilot system, NAD, uses a monthly subscription fee model, with car owners paying 680 yuan a month. Li Xiang, on the other hand, said that the NOA function of the ideal car will not be charged separately.

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