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The list of new power sales in April, the ideal halved.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Despite the challenges faced by the auto industry in April, the New Power brand announced its latest delivery results as scheduled. According to the ranking of auto industry statistics, a number of new power car companies still achieved year-on-year growth in April, but there was a serious month-on-month decline, with Xiaopeng car sales at the highest of 9002, Naga's 8813, and Lulai's 5074, while the ideal car was at the bottom of only 4167, a month-on-month decline of 62.2%.

Xiaopeng's performance is still the brightest, with a total of 9002 new cars delivered in April, an increase of 74.9% over the same period last year and a decrease of 41.6% from a month earlier, including 3714 for Xiaopeng P7, 3564 for Xiaopeng P5 and 1724 for Xiaopeng G3. In recent months, the delivery volume of Xiaopeng Automobile is firmly in the forefront of the new car-building forces, mainly Xiaopeng G3, Xiaopeng P5 and Xiaopeng P7 covering the market of 15-300000 yuan, which is different from that of Xilai and ideal cars. the prices of the latter two products are more than 300000 yuan. Judging from the data, Xiaopeng is also affected by the supply of spare parts, but the situation is no worse than that of Ulai and ideal.


NIO's performance was expected, with sales of 5074 vehicles in April, down 13.5% from a year earlier and 49.2% from a month earlier. On the afternoon of April 9, NIO posted a note on its APP that production of NIO vehicles had been suspended because of the suspension of production by its supply chain partners in Jilin, Shanghai, Jiangsu and other places. At present, with Shanghai, Geely and other places to achieve social zero, NIO parts supply will be alleviated, but even so, the production and delivery of NIO vehicles is still subject to parts supply, the future performance is still full of uncertainty.


I thought that the ideal could surpass Lulai again, but the ideal situation was even less optimistic. According to the data, the ideal car delivered 4167 new cars in April, up 24.8% from a year earlier and down 62.2% from the previous month. In this regard, the official response of ideal Automobile is that due to the impact of the epidemic in the Yangtze River Delta, some suppliers in Shanghai and Kunshan, Jiangsu Province are unable to supply goods, and some suppliers even stop work or operation completely, resulting in the inability to maintain production after the existing parts inventory is digested, which has a great impact on the production of ideal cars, resulting in delays in the delivery of new cars for some users.

Compared with ideal, Xiaopeng and NIO, the performance of the second-tier new power brand is getting stronger and stronger. Naha delivered 8813 cars in April, an increase of 119.5% over the same period last year and a decline of 26.7% from the previous month. In terms of specific models, the Naxi V series delivers 5694 vehicles and the Naxi U series delivers 3119 vehicles. In terms of delivery performance, it ranks second only to Xiaopeng Motor. However, what is different from Xiaopeng, NIO, ideal, etc., is that the price of Nezha car is lower, which sells for 10.98-201800 yuan for the U series and 7.49-123800 yuan for the V series. As a lower-priced model, it is obviously easier to reach the audience, but the delivery volume is not as good as Xiaopeng car, which is mainly reflected in the disapproval of the brand.

It should be noted that the above analysis is limited to sales volume, after all, each car company's product positioning is different. Take NIO Automobile as an example, although its delivery volume is at the bottom, the models on sale under NIO are all priced at more than 300000 yuan, which can not be matched by other new power brands. and where the car, zero-running car sales continue to rise to a large extent depends on the volume of low-end models, such as Nezhu V series, Zero running T03 and so on. From this point of view, it doesn't make much sense to over-analyze the level of sales.


In addition, other new energy vehicle brands have also released monthly sales. Geely delivered 2137 polar krypton cars in April, up 19% from a month earlier, and today's polar krypton cars have officially raised their prices, with the price of the polar krypton 001 ultra-long-range dual-motor YOU version raised by 18000 yuan to 386000 yuan, while the prices of other models remain unchanged. However, the ultra-long-range single-motor WE version and the long-range dual-motor WE version cancel 5000 to 10000 yuan collision rights and interests, and the ultra-long-range dual-motor YOU version cancels 5000 to 7500 yuan expansion rights and interests, which is equivalent to a disguised price increase of 5000 yuan for the WE version. on the basis of the guidance price increase of 18000 yuan, the comprehensive price increase reached 20500 yuan.

Judging from the new power sales list, the month-on-month decline of all brands is expected, mainly due to the outage of spare parts and logistics, of which Xiaopeng car is still the monthly top seller, while ideal car has the biggest decline. In fact, the month-on-month slump in sales is not only reflected in the new energy vehicle market, but even more obvious in the fuel vehicle market. In particular, the sales volume of Shanghai automobile system and No. 1 automobile system in the hardest-hit areas have all plummeted sharply compared with the same period last year, and even if the plant has not been built in the hardest-hit areas, it is still affected by the supply chain.

Vehicle production depends on the supply of spare parts, and the suspension of upstream parts suppliers has a more far-reaching impact. He Xiaopeng, chairman of Xiaopeng Motor, and Yu Chengdong, Huawei's consumer business, said on the social platform on April 14, "if Shanghai and surrounding supply chain companies cannot find a way to return to work and production dynamically, it is possible that all vehicle factories in China will stop production in May." From the current point of view, with the coordination at the government level and the active response of vehicle enterprises, supply chain enterprises, and supporting enterprises, Shanghai and Jilin have been restarted one after another, and there may not be a tragic shutdown of the whole vehicle factory in May, but what is certain is that there is still a lot of resistance for automobile enterprises to resume work and production under the epidemic, and many problems need to be solved quickly and well. On the whole, the domestic automobile industry is bound to suffer huge losses this year, and the uncertainty of the follow-up of the epidemic, coupled with the rising prices of raw materials, shortage of chips and other problems, it can be predicted that the "cold winter" of the domestic automobile industry will continue.

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