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Selling cars all depends on shouting, and the new power can easily match millions of luxury cars?

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On June 21, ideal Automobile's new full-size SUV ideal L9 officially went on sale, with a price of 459800 yuan. That night, the ideal car Mini Program crashed and a "service-triggered circuit breaker mechanism" appeared, while the ideal car website showed an unknown error and could not complete the order. In this regard, the ideal car official at 21:14 said that "due to the hot booking of the ideal L9, the server is currently under emergency repair." At 21:55, the ideal car once again issued the message "the server has been restored, you can book the ideal L9 normally."


In response to the server crash, some netizens think that this may be an official marketing method, in order to create a very hot booking scene. In this regard, the ideal car official also responded: "not a marketing means, really did not expect that there are so many people booking cars at the same time, the server capacity is insufficient." Of course, even if it is marketing, how can the authorities admit it?



The ideal L9 is the second production car under the ideal car, with a price of 459800 yuan, which is 110000 yuan higher than the ideal ONE four years ago. Affected by the listing of new cars, the share price of ideal Automobile in Hong Kong continued to rise, rising more than 12% at one point, reaching an all-time high since its listing. By the close of trading in Hong Kong, the Hang Seng Technology Index fell 4.14%, of which only three stocks rose, ideal car rose 4%, Ultimate rose 1%, and Xiaopeng fell 1%. Ideal car obviously outperformed the audience.

Although it is 100000 yuan more expensive than the ideal ONE, Li Xiang is full of confidence in the ideal L9. Li wanted to warm up the ideal L9 on Weibo long before the new car was released. On June 4, Li wanted to boast on the social platform that the ideal L9 was "the best home flagship SUV under 5 million" and said bluntly that "delivery could exceed 10,000 in September."


At the launch site of the ideal L9, Li Xiang said, "the ideal L9 suspension uses a front double-arm and rear five-link structure, providing flagship driving performance and ride comfort, together with a millisecond response CDC damping system, even compared with Curinan, we are not afraid at all." Subsequently, "Li wants to claim that the ideal L9 is not afraid to compete with Curinan" went viral on Weibo.

Since then, Li Xiang said in an interview with the media, "although the ideal L9 is 100000 yuan more expensive than the ideal ONE, the ideal L9 sales exceed the ideal ONE properly." The number of orders last night will not be disclosed for the time being, which is good. We will understand when we look at the sales volume. In addition, Li Xiang also said, "users buy a car by the price range, not the model size, so the ideal L9 will not affect the ideal ONE, and the ideal ONE sales rose yesterday."

As said at the beginning, it is impossible to predict whether the ideal car Mini Program crashes, whether it is marketing or hot sales, but according to the concern of the automobile industry, the deposit for booking the ideal L9 is 5000 yuan, which can be refunded at any time. This means that all users can make a reservation without taking risks. In a sense, the amount of the reservation does not make much sense. This means that there will be a big difference between the final booking and the actual sales. In addition, the higher the price means the smaller the audience capacity, whether the ideal L9 can surpass the ideal ONE remains to be verified.


I do not know since when, radical speech has gradually become a special way of product preheating, although this way is very controversial, but it can get a lot of traffic. Zhang Yong, chairman of Najiao Automobile, said on Weibo on June 22 that the Naga S is the best sedan car under 1 million, and you deserve it.


It is understood that which "S" is the third production car under which car, positioning medium and large cars, providing pure electricity and extended range power, competitive products include BYD Han, Xiaopeng P7 and other models. From the point of view of the appearance, the overall design of Nezha S is very radical, and the slender daylight and large-size fog light area design gives the front of the car a strong aggression, showing a low-lying visual effect. On the side of the body, the Naxi S will be equipped with frameless doors and hidden door handles, and the top model will be equipped with flapping doors, which will support electric opening and electric suction. In terms of size, the length, width and height of Nashi S are 4980/1980/1450mm, wheelbase 2980mm, positioning as a medium and large car.


In terms of interior decoration, the car is equipped with a 17.6inch ultra-thin 2.5K center control screen, an AR-HUD augmented reality look-up display system, a 12.3inch co-driver dedicated audio screen and a 13.3inch hidden dashboard to achieve four-screen interaction, in which the 17.6in central control screen is placed vertically in the center of the vehicle, while the full LCD instrument is completely hidden in the center console, and the unpowered status dashboard can be fully integrated with the center console. In terms of power, the Nezha S pure electric version will have two battery life models, with the corresponding range of 520km and 715km, while the range version will have the comprehensive range of 1100km. According to the official release, the company has ordered 4533 units since its pre-sale on June 6. Zhang Yong said that the monthly sales of more than 10,000 is the passing line, and the monthly sales of 20,000 is the top student.

It is understood that at present, there are only two models on sale: the Naxi V and the Naxi U, of which the price is 10.98-201800 yuan and the price is 7.49-123800 yuan. The main source of sales is the Naxi V, which sold 7884 vehicles in May. Since the car went on sale, it has not yet had a model that sells more than 10,000 cars a month, and it is very difficult to maintain more than 10,000 models such as BYD Han and Xiaopeng P7, while the car with low brand awareness, how to support its goal of selling more than 10,000 cars a month.

Of course, it's more than that. On May 28th, the 2022 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area Auto Show officially opened, and the AITO brand participated in the exhibition for the first time. At the scene of the auto show, Huawei terminal BG CEO and Huawei smart car solution BU CEO Yu Chengdong revealed relevant information about AITO's second model, the M7. It said the M7 will have two types of models, the extended-range version and the pure electric version, of which the extended-range version will be released in June and delivered in July. At the scene, Yu Chengdong once again asked for the M7 platform: although the shape of the M7 is very compact, but the internal space is very large, there is enough confidence to let the boss and leaders sit very comfortably. Our new car is more comfortable than Elfa, Elfa Lexus version (refers to Lexus LM), and surpasses the comfort of all high-end cars, luxury cars and MPV. Earlier, Yu Chengdong said at the M5 press conference that "the M5 is comparable to millions of luxury cars." At the beginning of the press conference, Yu Chengdong said excitedly, "with regard to the design of the M5, my request to the team is that, according to the standards of millions of luxury cars, the appearance, interior, performance, experience and quality requirements of millions of luxury cars to build our car, the chassis of our car is very high-end, the chassis of millions of luxury cars."

The automobile industry is concerned that although the overall market situation of the new power has been established, the brand image is still being shaped. According to the previous market, luxury brands such as BBA strongly occupy a large share of the traditional luxury car market, and under the wave of new energy vehicles, although these traditional luxury brands also accelerate the layout of this market, traditional luxury electric cars lack advantages, while Ulai and ideal million-level luxury cars one after another, in fact, the more important purpose is to create a high-end brand image.

In particular, NIO was initially known as "China Tesla", but Lailai disdained to compete with Tesla, but turned its competitors to the traditional luxury brand giant BMW. Its three models, ES8, ES6 and EC6, are all positioned as high-end SUV,ET7 directly to the BMW 7-Series and ET5 to the BMW 3-Series, while the newly released ES7 is the standard BMW X5, all priced at more than 300000 yuan.

For consumers, choosing luxury cars is more important for brand influence, these new power brands can easily target millions of luxury cars, perhaps the greatest strength is that the price is half cheaper than these million-class luxury cars.

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