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Shanghai will no longer enjoy the green card policy from next year.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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In recent years, with the support of national policy, the sales of new energy vehicles continue to rise. For the first-tier license-limited cities, the purchase of new energy vehicles can be licensed free of charge, which has become the primary reason for many consumers to buy new energy vehicles. However, from next year, Shanghai will no longer enjoy the green card policy.


According to the implementation measures of Shanghai to encourage the purchase and use of New Energy vehicles issued by Shanghai, consumers will no longer issue special license quotas for plug-in hybrid cars starting from January 1, 2023. The policy also means that from 2023, those who buy plug-in hybrids in Shanghai will no longer enjoy the benefits of free licenses, but will need to be licensed in the same way as fuel vehicles. At present, the catalogue of new energy vehicles in China includes pure electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid vehicles, incremental electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles. Earlier, Shanghai plug-in and add-on models enjoyed the same free license quota as pure electric models.


According to relevant data, Shanghai is the largest sales market for plug-in hybrid and plug-in cars, and its retail sales of new energy vehicles rank first in the country. In August, 32200 new energy vehicles were registered in Shanghai, with a permeability of 45.65%. The number of new energy vehicles registered in Shanghai was 335000 from January to August this year, and 146500 new energy vehicles accounted for almost half of Shanghai's total auto sales. Why plug-in hybrid and add-on cars in Shanghai are so popular with consumers has something to do with the free licensing policy in Shanghai. after all, the auction price of fuel vehicle license plates in Shanghai costs nearly 100,000 yuan. According to the official website of Shanghai National Photo Center, the latest transaction price of individual Shanghai Stock Exchange in Shanghai was 91700 yuan in August, while the latest transaction price of company license was 149300 yuan.

According to the relevant data, the plug-in hybrid includes PHEV and add-on models, which have both internal combustion engine and pure electric device on the structure, and have one more engine than the pure tram. The model can charge the battery through a charging facility and can be directly converted to a traditional fuel engine if the vehicle runs out of electricity. The worry about the lack of mileage for vehicles is precisely because it is also popular with some consumers.


To a certain extent, the implementation of this policy may have a certain impact on some car companies that mainly plug in and increase the range of sales. For example, ideal cars dominated by add-on programs, as well as BYD, which accounts for 50% of plug-in sales, will face short-term sales shocks. Previously, add-on electric vehicles have been widely regarded as a transitional product before the market completely shifts to pure electric vehicles. Take ideal car as an example, all of its products are based on incremental hybrid mode. Earlier, the sales of an ideal ONE has been at the top of the list of new energy sales for many times. For its part, BYD released sales figures for September: its plug-in hybrid sales reached 106705 vehicles in September.


Of course, in the context of 50% penetration of new energy vehicles in Shanghai, it is only a matter of time before the policy of no free license plate for plug-in hybrid is implemented, and this measure will also play an exemplary role in the whole country. As for the development of add-on electric vehicles, many people from car companies have expressed their relevant views earlier. Earlier, Weidman, head of the R & D department of Volkswagen Group (China), said that add-on is an outdated technology and has little potential for development. Li Ruifeng, CEO of Wei Brand of Great Wall, once said: adding programs is backward, and the lines are like mountains apart. Tesla CEO Musk also commented on the social platform: hybrid cars are only a short stage of car development, and now is the time to give up hybrid cars.

Some people are not optimistic about add-on electric vehicles. Huawei Yu Chengdong pointed out in an article earlier that "at present, it will take time to improve and popularize charging piles, and the extended range mode is the most suitable new energy vehicle model at present." Extended range is very suitable as the first car in the family. It is suggested that pure fuel vehicles should be eliminated as soon as possible. It is also said that gasoline power generation for extended range vehicles is more fuel-efficient than fuel-fueled cars, which can save about half of the fuel and really bring about an improvement in energy efficiency. Ideal car Li Xiang also said at the Q2 performance meeting: looking back five years, Zengji is still the best solution for SUV, and the ideal thing to do is to continuously improve the efficiency of the extended range.

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