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BYD: no consideration of price reduction

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Recently, the price reduction of Intezra has triggered a heated debate among netizens about whether the price reduction of new energy is about to appear. It is understood that Tesla officially released: from now on, Model 3 and Model Y are on sale by Tesla in Chinese mainland area. The starting price of the adjusted Model 3 model is 265900 yuan, and the starting price of Tesla Model Y model is 288900 yuan (both are subsidized starting prices).


The issue of whether BYD, a major new energy vehicle, will follow the price cut has also attracted much attention. When the media called BYD about the price reduction, its staff responded that the company has no plans to reduce the price at present. Other brands' price reduction is caused by their own orders, production capacity and other reasons, and the situation is different from each other.


On November 2, BYD officials responded to users' questions on the interactive investment platform about whether BYD would follow up after Tesla's price reduction. Its response said: the company needs to consider comprehensively when pricing its products: it should not only retain reasonable profits to support the company's long-term R & D investment and good development, but also take into account the interests of consumers to provide good products with real value for money and good value for money. At present, the company has accumulated more orders on hand, and the main contradiction is still improving production capacity, hoping to deliver to consumers as soon as possible, quality and quantity.


It is worth noting that BYD's sales have soared since it announced on April 3 that it would stop production of fuel-fueled vehicles and focus on pure electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles. BYD's sales are still on the rise, exceeding 200000 in two months. For a long time, capacity problems have been the biggest problem for BYD. Earlier, Li Qian, secretary of the board of directors of BYD, disclosed in CCTV's "financial visit" that BYD's electric vehicles were in short supply and insufficient production capacity, so they wanted to free up the production capacity of fuel vehicles for electric vehicles, so they cut off fuel vehicles.


From the product point of view, BYD Qin PLUS DM-i, Song PLUS DM-i, Tang DM-i and other DM-i super hybrid models are highly sought after by the market as soon as they are launched, but due to capacity constraints, there has always been a situation that supply exceeds demand, and there are still a lot of messages from users urging delivery under BYD's official Weibo account. In addition, according to earlier disclosure by BYD, the cumulative outstanding orders of BYD has reached 400000 vehicles, and the data is still increasing month by month.


From a number of complaint platforms, it is not difficult to see that many owners of BYD Qin PLUS DM-i, dolphins and other models complained on the platform that they could not mention the car. As early as May 2021, BYD issued a "note on the delivery of orders for DM-i super hybrid models" for the long delivery time of DM-i models, in which BYD said, "We are also actively arranging and deploying to accelerate the production capacity increase of DM-i super hybrid models. Due to the large number of orders and the relatively slow delivery of vehicles, the delivery of new orders still requires an average waiting time of 3.5 months. On July 15, BYD officials said in response to investors' questions on the interactive platform that they were actively climbing production and making every effort to improve the company's delivery. The order delivery cycle is affected by many factors, such as scheduling planning, user order accumulation in different models / regions, and sometimes there are great differences. It is not difficult to see that for BYD, the biggest problem right now is the lack of capacity.

BYD's booming sales are also a double-edged sword for it, after all, production capacity will become the shackles of its growth. Although BYD is also constantly laying out the factory, it also takes some time for the factory to start running at a high speed. As BYD's sales rise month by month, its capacity problems are likely to get worse. According to relevant data, BYD sold 217500 new energy passenger vehicles in October, up 171.89% from a year earlier.

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