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Two more car companies announce price increases

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On December 5, Dongfeng EV New Energy announced that it would raise the official guidance price for all its models, which is expected to range from 7000 yuan to 9000 yuan. Dongfeng EV New Energy said that users who pay in full and complete the registration of their vehicles by December 31, 2022 will not be affected by the price adjustment.


The announcement shows that according to the Circular of the Ministry of Finance / Ministry of Industry and Information Technology / Ministry of Science and Technology / Development and Reform Commission on improving the financial subsidy policy for the promotion and application of new energy vehicles, the subsidy policy for the purchase of new energy vehicles will be terminated on December 31, 2022. After that, the countries of vehicles registered and licensed will no longer grant subsidies. At the same time, the prices of major raw materials such as batteries have continued to rise sharply since 2022. In short, the reason for the price increase of all its models by Dongfeng EV New Energy is also affected by the state's abolition of subsidy policy and a sharp rise in the price of battery raw materials.

It should be noted that this is the third time that Dongfeng EV New Energy has announced a price increase this year. On May 20 and August 23 this year, Dongfeng EV New Energy announced an increase of 3000 yuan in its EX1 PRO series models. According to the automotive industry's concern, Dongfeng EV New Energy models currently on sale include Nano BOX and Dongfeng EV New Energy EX1, both of which are positioned as small SUV, of which Dongfeng EV New Energy EX1 has launched a total of 12 models with a price range of 5.57-62700 yuan; Nano BOX launched a total of 4 models with a price range of 6.57-71200 yuan on July 17 this year. Sales of nano-BOX were 6497 in November, up 126 per cent from a month earlier, according to the data.


On the same day, the BAIC manufacturing brand also announced an increase in the price of its first pure tram, Yuanbao, which was also affected by the rising cost of raw materials. The price adjustment involves four models, an increase of 2000 yuan, and the adjusted price range is 4.19-51900 yuan. BAIC Manufacturing Yuanbao went on sale on June 28th, launching a total of five models, positioning pure electric minicars, with a rear-drive layout with a maximum power of 20 kilowatts, lithium-ion battery packs and mileage of 120km and 170km, respectively.


Affected by this price adjustment, the entry model of the Yuanbao series, "120km pure cute version", has been cancelled at the same time, which also means that the price of the Yuanbao series entry model will also be raised from 33900 yuan to 41900 yuan. The number of optional models in the Yuanbao series has been adjusted from five previous models to four models.

Prior to this, BYD, GAC Ean and Skyline Motors also announced that some of their models would raise prices. Among them, BYD will increase the new energy models related to dynasty, ocean and momentum by 2000 yuan to 6000 yuan, and GAC Ean will increase its models by 3000 yuan to 8000 yuan. Both car companies said that car owners who pay a deposit before January 1, 2023 will not be affected by the price increase. On December 2, Skyline announced that it would increase the guidance price for its products by 5000 yuan to 8000 yuan next year, and the specific model price adjustment and the timing of the adjustment have not been announced yet. At the same time, Skyline officials said that Skyline can book a car before January 15, 2023. Skyline can be subsidized differently in accordance with the 2022 subsidy policy, and can enjoy a car purchase subsidy of up to 12600 yuan. As for the three car companies announced that the price increase is mainly due to the state's abolition of subsidy policy, battery raw material prices rose sharply.


Judging from the current increase of several car companies, Dongfeng EV new energy has the highest price increase this time. According to the national new energy vehicle policy, the subsidy policy for the purchase of new energy vehicles in 2022 will end on December 31, 2022, that is to say, it may cost thousands or even tens of thousands of yuan to buy new energy vehicles from January 1, 2023. As the decline of state subsidies is approaching, many car companies have also launched many promotional measures, including Tesla, Electric Horse and Mercedes-Benz, which have chosen to reduce their vehicle prices; Xiaopeng Motor, Changan Automobile, AITO and Geely Motor have adopted a time-limited price guarantee policy; Lantu Automobile has launched a "land subsidy", and Lan FRE will provide a local financial subsidy of up to 30000 yuan on December 31st, 2022.

The automobile industry is concerned that no matter what kind of promotion plan car companies adopt, the purpose is to stimulate sales. As for whether more car companies will announce price cuts or price increases to stimulate sales, Cui Dongshu, secretary general of the National passenger car Market Information Association, said that price adjustment mainly depends on market supply and demand. There will be no large-scale price cuts for new energy vehicles from the end of this year to the beginning of next year, but there may be a small-scale price rise, and several car companies may follow suit.

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