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Another car of enterprise officials announced an increase in prices.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On December 11, Changan Deep Blue issued a notice announcing the price adjustment of Changan Deep Blue SL03. According to the announcement, Changan Deep Blue will adjust the official guidance price of SL03-related models in 2023, which is expected to increase by 2000 yuan to 8000 yuan, and the specific model price adjustment will be announced separately. Customers decided on or before December 31, 2022 will not be affected by this price adjustment.


As for the reasons for the price increase, it is also the same as that of other car companies before, Changan Deep Blue said in the announcement: according to the national subsidy for new energy vehicles, the subsidy for the purchase of new energy vehicles will end on December 31, 2022 (the current subsidy: 4800 yuan for the extended-range version of SL03 and 13860 yuan for the pure electric version of SL03). At the same time, the prices of major raw materials such as batteries have remained high in the past six months.

In April this year, Changan Automobile officially announced a new pure electric brand named "Changan Deep Blue", and Changan Deep Blue SL03 is the first new energy vehicle under the Changan Deep Blue brand. It went on sale on July 25. The new car launched a total of four models with a price range of 16.89-699900 yuan, including 168900 yuan for the extended-range version, 18.39-215900 yuan for the pure electric version and 699900 yuan for the hydrogen version.


As the first model under the Deep Blue SL03 brand, the new car is based on Changan's new EPA1 pure electric platform and is positioned as a medium-sized car. The main competitors include Tesla Model 3 and BYD Seal. Since the launch of the new car, Shenzhen Blue SL03 has delivered a total of 16315 vehicles, of which 879, 2708, 6384 and 6344 were sold from August to November, respectively, according to the Federation of passengers.

It should be noted that before the official announcement of the price increase, Changan Deep Blue also issued a national subsidy program. On November 27, Changan Deep Blue officially announced that for users who place and lock orders before December 31 and whose orders meet the 2022 new energy state subsidy requirements, the difference in the 2022 new energy state subsidy policy will be subsidized by Changan Deep Blue, and users will still pay according to the guiding price when placing lock orders. The subsidy for dark blue SL03 extended range version is 4800 yuan, and the subsidy for SL03 pure electric version is 13860 yuan. This Guanxuan price increase is not only affected by the national subsidy slope and the rising prices of raw materials, but also by the current price increases announced by a number of car companies.


According to the auto industry concern statistics, so far, including BYD, GAC Ean, Skyline Automobile, Dongfeng EV New Energy, BAIC manufacturing brands have announced price increases for some of their models. Among them, BYD will increase the new energy models related to dynasty, ocean and momentum by 2000 yuan to 6000 yuan; GAC Ean will increase its models by 3000 yuan to 8000 yuan; and Skyline announced that it will increase the guidance price for its products by 5000 yuan to 8000 yuan next year. The specific model price adjustment and the adjustment time have not been announced yet. Dongfeng EV New Energy announced that it will raise the official guidance price for all its models, which is expected to range from 7000 yuan to 9000 yuan. The specific price adjustment notice will be issued separately. The above-mentioned car companies all said that car owners who pay a deposit to sign a contract before January 1, 2023 will not be affected by the price increase. In addition, the BAIC manufacturing brand has announced an increase in the price of its first pure tram, Yuanbao, which is also affected by the rising cost of raw materials. The price adjustment involves four models, with an increase of 2000 yuan, and the price range after price adjustment is 419-51900 yuan. Affected by this price adjustment, the entry model "120km pure cute version" of the Yuanbao series has been cancelled synchronously, so far, the number of optional models in the Yuanbao series has been adjusted from the previous five models to four models, and the price of the entry-level model will also be raised from the previous 33900 yuan to 41900 yuan.


Judging from the increase of various car companies on their models, Dongfeng EV new energy has increased by up to 9000 yuan at present. Although different car companies have different increases in their products, their strategies are surprisingly consistent. With the exception of the BAIC manufacturing brand, a number of car companies have indicated that their customers will not be affected by the price adjustment before December 31, 2022. The automobile industry is concerned that the reason why some car companies have announced price increases will be related to their better market performance. Take BYD as an example, data show that BYD sold 230400 new energy vehicles in November 2022. An increase of 152.60% over the same period last year, setting another record high As of November 30, BYD had taken the lead in achieving its annual sales target of 150 vehicles, and the market sales performance was so strong that BYD would not consider cutting prices in exchange for sales. In addition, GAC Ean delivered 28765 vehicles in November, an increase of 91.48% over the same period last year. 241149 vehicles were delivered in the previous November, and 96.45% of the annual sales of 250000 vehicles have been completed. Of course, due to the rise in the prices of some models next year, this month may also welcome a sales explosion. The HKIFA predicts that the market for new energy vehicles and low-and medium-end fuel vehicles will pick up in December, of which domestic new energy passenger vehicle sales may reach 760000, achieving the annual sales forecast of 6.5 million vehicles.

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