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Yu Chengdong job-hopping millet car? The official refutes the rumor

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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After the incident between Huawei Ren Zhengfei and Yu Chengdong about whether to "build a car", on April 5, there was a rumor that "Yu Chengdong will change his job to Xiaomi car". According to market news, Yu Chengdong, president of Huawei Terminal Company, will go to work in Xiaomi Automobile. Yu Chengdong and Lei Jun have settled their differences. Xiaomi Automobile has extended an olive branch to Yu Chengdong. After Yu Chengdong leaves his post from Huawei, he will immediately go to Xiaomi Automobile as Chief Technology Officer CTO. It is possible to take away some employees of Huawei's automotive technology research and development department, and introduce Huawei's high-quality technology research and development system into Xiaomi. Work with the tired army to make the millet car bigger and stronger.


On this news, Xiaomi Group public relations official said: these are made-up news.


Yu Chengdong is now the managing director of Huawei, terminal BG CEO, and smart car solution BU CEO. Since taking up the position, questions have frequently appeared in the public eye, especially the recent incident that Huawei does not build cars and change its name. On March 31st, Ren Zhengfei reiterated that Huawei does not build cars and imposed strict requirements on the exposure of Huawei logo in car design, stressing that Huawei / HUAWEI should not be used in vehicle promotion and appearance. Xu Zhijun, chairman of Huawei, said at the annual report meeting on the same day: "some departments and partners are abusing the Huawei brand, and Huawei has been in the process of investigating and dealing with it." We will not let the Huawei brand be abused. Huawei does not build cars, nor does it have any brand of cars. In the latest document released by Mr. Ren, Huawei explicitly demanded that the Huawei brand be prohibited from appearing in front of or as a car brand. We will clean up and rectify the existing materials in all flagship stores and sales stores so that they can return to our strategic positioning. " Subsequently, the media reported that Yu Chengdong personally ordered the store to remove all Huawei-related publicity materials as soon as possible that night.


Yu Chengdong responded to the renaming of "HUAWEI" for the first time in his speech during the China Electric vehicle 100 Forum held on April 1. Yu Chengdong said: "originally we hoped to use QQ as a brand for cross-border cooperation, so we added 'Huawei' in front of it. As a result, our company said that Huawei would be removed in the past two days, causing a lot of hype in the media." At the same time, Yu Chengdong stressed that the cancellation of "Huawei" has no actual impact on the boundary, but just wants to use "Huawei" as an ecological brand to jointly create a series of models.


Huawei reported that BU, a smart car solution, generated 2.1 billion yuan in revenue last year, accounting for only 0.3 per cent of Huawei's total revenue. According to the plan, Huawei BU is to be profitable by 2025, while Yu Chengdong believes that to achieve profitability by 2025, he must first help auto companies sell 1 million vehicles.

According to the data, Yu Chengdong was born in 1969 in Huoqiu County, Lu'an City, Anhui Province. He graduated from Northwestern Polytechnic University with a bachelor's degree and a master's degree from Tsinghua University. He is now the managing director of Huawei, terminal BG CEO, and smart car solution BU CEO.


Yu Chengdong joined Huawei in 1993 and successively served as 3G product director, vice president of wireless product marketing, president of wireless product line, president of Europe, president of strategy and Marketing system, etc. He was elected as managing director and board member of Huawei Investment Holdings Limited on March 23, 2018. In November 2020, Yu Chengdong quit Glory Terminal Co., Ltd. On January 27th, 2021, Huawei announced several personnel changes: Yu Chengdong, currently a consumer BG CEO, is proposed to appoint Cloud & AI BG President (concurrently), Cloud & AI BG Administration team Director, Cloud BU President (concurrently) and Cloud BU Administration team Director; in April 2021, Huawei was appointed Huawei Cloud CEO; on May 18, 2021. Huawei issued a statement that Yu Chengdong Huawei Cloud CEO position was removed with the approval of the President. In addition, Yu Chengdong is still the consumer BG CEO and the new smart car solution BU CEO.

Although we do not know why there are rumors of "Yu Chengdong job-hopping Xiaomi car" in the market, the senior team of Xiaomi Automobile has changed many times this year. In February, Zhou Yan, head of marketing for Xiaomi, left the position for only about seven months. Before that, Xiaomi also brought in senior executives such as Li Tianyuan, former designer of the BMW I brand, and Yu Liguo, former president of BAIC Polar Fox.


At present, Xiaomi is making strenuous preparations for new car volume. At the beginning of last month, Xiaomi Group founder, Chairman and CEO Lei Jun said to the outside that Xiaomi is making better progress than expected, has recently successfully completed winter tests, and is expected to be mass-produced in the first half of next year. The first model will be a sedan model, offering a total of two versions, of which the "ordinary version" is priced between 30 and 350000. The "more advanced version" sells for around 350000-400000.

Xiaomi cars will be the biggest part of Lei Jun's personal experience, after Lei Jun said: "I am willing to bet on all the achievements I have accumulated in my life and all my reputation to fight for Xiaomi cars." at the same time, he also revealed that he had time to build a car. As the last major start-up project in his life, Lei Jun naturally has high hopes for it. Lei Jun said that Xiaomi's future goal is to enter the top five in the world within 15-20 years, while in the short term, it will enter the first camp of the industry in 2024.

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