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Toyota executive Miyashita Shinji joined Xiaopeng Motor as the senior director of production quality.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Domestic new car-building force Xiaopeng Automobile began to poach people crazily! On the 21st, Xiaopeng announced that Miyashita Shinji joined Xiaopeng Motor and served as the Senior Director of production quality, responsible for Xiaopeng Automobile's work related to production quality management.


It is understood that Miyashita worked as a quality worker for Toyota in Japan for nearly 40 years. Before joining Xiaopeng, he was the minister of quality Assurance Department and quality Management Department of Guangzhou Automobile Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. He has rich experience in quality management of production vehicles and purchased parts, production preparation of new models, and construction of production quality system.

There is no doubt that Xiaopeng poached Toyota's quality minister in order to improve Xiaopeng's work in terms of quality. after all, the new car-building force is facing a greater test in this respect.

CEO he Xiaopeng said: "Mr. Miyashita has been in charge of Toyota Lexus quality for a long time, which is also Xiaopeng's future quality goal."

On February 14, Xiaopeng just announced that Li Pengcheng, director of FAW-Volkswagen brand public relations, joined Xiaopeng and became general manager of brand public relations.

At present, Xiaopeng G3 has been delivered to users, and recently announced an increase in prices due to subsidies. The price of the whole series of models has increased by 2-34000 yuan.

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