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Weima Purchasing Company was executed with 7.09 million RMB.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Weima New Energy Automobile Purchasing (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. added a piece of information about the person subject to execution, which costs 7.093 million yuan, involving disputes over sales contracts, and the enforcement court is the Shanghai Qingpu District people's Court, according to the China Executive Information publicity Network. Data show that Weima Automobile Purchasing (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. was established in July 2018, the legal representative is Chen Guohai, with a registered capital of 100 million yuan, and is wholly owned by Weima Automobile Technology Group Co., Ltd.


Weima Automotive Technology Group Co., Ltd., the operating entity company of Weimar Automobile, was established in May 2012 and is wholly owned by Suzhou Weimar Wisdom Travel Technology Co., Ltd. the founder is Shen Hui, former vice president of Geely Holdings Group, senior vice president of Volvo and chairman of Volvo China. According to the heavenly eye, Weima Automotive Technology Group Co., Ltd. has been executed for a total of 109 million yuan.

Not long ago, Weima Automotive Technology Group Co., Ltd. applied for bankruptcy review, and the handling court was the Shanghai No. 3 Intermediate people's Court. At the same time, Weima Automobile officially issued a notification letter, based on the fact that Weima still has commercial value and salvage value, and the governance structure is basically complete, the pre-restructuring application of Weima Automobile Technology Group was accepted by the Shanghai No. 3 Intermediate people's Court.


In this regard, the outside world interprets this as Weimar applying for bankruptcy reorganization. Pre-reorganization means that before the debt enterprise enters the legal reorganization procedure, the creditor and the debtor, investor and other interested parties negotiate and discuss the creditor's rights and debts and reach a draft reorganization plan, so as to save the debt crisis enterprise. Weimar said that, unlike bankruptcy restructuring, pre-restructuring is a self-rescue act carried out in the early stages of corporate difficulties, which aims to introduce strategic investors through debt restructuring, avoid bankruptcy and achieve rebirth and transformation.

Since the second half of 2022, the cash flow of Weima Motor began to have problems, and then affected the production, sales, service and other links. Due to financial problems, suppliers stopped supplying parts to Weimar, which hindered the production of Weima auto products and caused problems in after-sales maintenance. Because of this, it is more difficult for Weima, which has no sense of existence, to survive in the market. In November 2022, Weimar began to lay off staff and cut salaries. Starting from 2023, the Weima automobile factory was completely shut down, the headquarters was recovered due to long arrears of rent, and employees were forced to work from home.



In fact, since falling into the crisis, Weimar has tried to alleviate the crisis through a variety of measures, but the results are not significant. Weimar is still looking for ways to save itself by bringing in strategic investors around the world to reduce costs, improve efficiency and achieve sustainable development. However, the market is not optimistic about the prospect of Weimar. Compared with new forces such as NIO, Xiaopeng and ideal, Weima lacks technical support, and its products are laid out in the most competitive range of the current market. in the context of the lack of bright spots and brand awareness, it is difficult to be recognized by the market.


For Weimar, there are two most valuable assets at present, one is two self-built factories, and the other is car-building qualification. As the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has stopped issuing car-building licenses, Weima's car-building qualification has become a scarce resource. Earlier, people familiar with the matter said that the Weimar factory was one of the inspection projects when Xiaomi Group officials waited until Wenzhou to discuss cooperation, and there was no news of further cooperation between Weimar and the two companies. Recently, according to media reports, Xiaomi car and brilliance, Jianghuai to discuss contract manufacturing cooperation, Weima is not included.

In January this year, Shen Hui shouted "live, live like an animal", which is regarded as a true portrayal of the survival of the Wilma Jedi. However, the slogan of self-help has been shouted for almost a year, but it has not been fulfilled for a long time. There is not much time left for Shen Hui.

A few days ago, Shen Hui, founder, chairman and CEO of Weimar, was rumored to be "running overseas". In response, Weimar issued a statement in response that Shen Hui went to study in the United States in 1991, worked and lived in many places in Europe and the United States for many years, and recently focused on overseas issues, so there is no case that the company's founders have fled overseas.

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