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Lei Jun poll survey: SU7 is the most beautiful

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On Jan. 22, Xiaomi founder Lei Jun launched a research poll on social platform on "which car looks best within 500000 yuan". The survey attracted heated discussion and voting among netizens. From the alternative answers given by Lei Jun, we can see that Tesla Model 3, Lai ET5, Xiaopeng P7, BMW 3 Series, Audi A4, Mercedes-Benz C-Series and, of course, Xiaomi SU7. From the final voting results, Xiaomi SU7 is far ahead of other models, with a total of 12000 votes, while Tesla Model 3, Xilai ET5 and Mercedes-Benz C-Class all have more than 3000 votes.

Some netizens pointed out that as the founder and chairman of Xiaomi company, and Xiaomi SU7 as the first model of Xiaomi car, most people will still vote for Xiaomi SU7 because of their identity, and the result is as expected by netizens.

As a result, Lei Jun launched another research poll on the social platform, the voting content is still "which car looks best within 500000 yuan". The difference is that Xiaomi SU7 is removed, and the "other" option is also removed. Audi A4 has been replaced by Audi A6, with BYD Han, Wisdom S7 and extreme Krypton 001 three options added. The final results showed that Audi A6 won with 32000 votes, while Mercedes-Benz C-Class, Xilai ET5 and Tesla Model 3 all exceeded 10,000 votes. However, many netizens also disagree with the final result, because the Audi A6 is the Mercedes-Benz E-Class and the BMW 5-Series, but the option is the Mercedes-Benz C-Class and the BMW 3-Series. If replaced with the Audi A4, I am afraid it should be a different result. Of course, it is not difficult to see that the design of the Audi A6 is still very popular.

The Xiaomi SU7, the first production car under Xiaomi Automobile, was unveiled on December 28th, 2023. According to the plan, Xiaomi SU7 will be launched in the first half of 2024, and judging from the product configuration announced on Xiaomi Technology Day, the positioning of Xiaomi SU7 is not low, which means its price is likely to disappoint most people. First of all, Xiaomi SU7 positioning medium and large pure electric car, length, width and height are 4997/1963/1440mm, wheelbase 3000mm. Secondly, Xiaomi SU7 is equipped with Xiaomi V6/V6s motor, which is jointly developed with Liandian and Huichuan respectively, and the highest speed of V6s and V6 motors reaches 21000rpm. In addition, such technologies include CTB core body integration, 101V battery pack based on Ningde era Kirin battery, 800V voltage platform (871V silicon carbide high voltage platform), 9000 ton integrated die casting machine, etc., these configurations add up to basically determine the price of Xiaomi SU7 will not be very low.

In the face of the "99000" and "149000" shouted by the audience at Xiaomi's auto technology conference, Lei Jun also said bluntly that the battery cost was more than NT $100,000, and that the average price of new energy vehicles with such battery packs was more than 400000. I hope the audience will respect technology, which also means that the price of Xiaomi SU7 is likely to be higher than previously thought. As for the price of Xiaomi SU7 200000, 300000 or 400000, in Lei Jun's view, it is a very cost-effective product, but if the price is too high, how many young people will accept it is also unknown. Some netizens said, "Rice noodles just get older, not rich." The truth is, buying a car is not as simple as buying a mobile phone. Consumers can spend thousands of yuan on Xiaomi mobile phone, but in the face of a millet car whose price is a hundred times higher, I am afraid not many consumers will hesitate. Of course, we do not rule out that Lei Jun is engaged in a stunt to create an expensive atmosphere. If Xiaomi SU7 really sells for less than 200000, the higher-than-expected market price may cause a market sensation.

The first Xiaomi SU7, which bet tens of billions of dollars and Lei Jun on life and reputation, is being unveiled layer by layer, but I am afraid there will never be a very close price, and the trend of Xiaomi SU7 has become more and more recent after its listing. Lei Jun said in an interview that he was particularly worried that if it was not hot at first, no one would buy it. What was more worried was that if everyone came to buy it, he would definitely be scolded if he had to wait for a year or two.

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