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The salary of a new force in car building has been delayed and the salary of senior executives has been cut.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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A few days ago, according to media reports, Gaohe held a staff meeting on February 7 and informed that the salary in January could not be paid on time, the year-end bonus in 2023 was cancelled, and employees were advised to find their own way out. According to revelations, the current cash flow of Gaohe Automobile has been seriously affected, although employees' wages are still being paid on time, but the reimbursement has been in arrears for three months. In addition, some employees revealed that some dealers have sold high-tech HiPhi Y on sale at a price of about 200000 yuan, and are ready to save themselves.

In response, Gaohe responded that it was true. According to the actual situation of production and operation, the company is taking adjustment measures, such as senior executives taking the initiative to reduce salaries, deferred wages and other adjustment measures to deal with internal and external challenges. However, Gaohe said that it is not true to spread online that all employees work from home. Some colleagues go home ahead of the Spring Festival holiday, and different business sectors have made corresponding work arrangements during the Spring Festival, such as user service, after-sales, and so on. Go all out to ensure the safety and experience of users' travel, and go to work normally after the Spring Festival holiday.

It is worth noting that according to the China Securities News, the Gaohe car store in Taiguli, Chengdu, Sichuan Province is suspected to have been withdrawn, and the display cars in the exhibition hall were also pulled away. In addition, the Gaode Land store in Guangzhou has been withdrawn. When asked about the specific reasons, the staff member said that the rent of the store is too high and will be relocated. It is worth mentioning that the closure of the above two Gaohe stores is due to the unilateral closure of the relevant lease contracts between Gaohe and the shopping malls without informing the shopping malls in advance, which is really intriguing.

In response to the above situation, Gaohe said: "in 2024, Gaohe will further optimize the brand channel layout and has opened five 'cooperative direct operation' stores in Macau, Hefei, Ningbo and Xuzhou. At the same time, the optimization of the experience center is also going on at the same time: the Gaode Land store in Guangzhou is relocated according to the plan; so far, Guangzhou has three brand centers, two user centers, and the user center is also the delivery service center of Gaohe. The stores in Chengdu have been relocated according to the plan. So far, Chengdu has three brand centers and two user centers. "

It is also an indisputable fact that there are frequent negative news from Gaohe Automobile. At the beginning of this year, Gaohe was exposed to the news of "shutdown". In response, on January 2, Gaohe responded that everything was normal in its operation, and that research and development, production, marketing, delivery and other work were carried out normally. It is understood that at the Sino-Arab Cooperation Forum held in June last year, the Saudi Ministry of Investment and Chinese Express signed an agreement worth 21 billion Saudi riyals (US $5.6 billion). The two sides will set up a joint venture engaged in automobile research and development, manufacturing and sales, but the investment has not been accounted for.

Although Gaohe immediately denied the rumors of a shutdown, recent signs indicate that Gaohe is in operational difficulties. At present, the new energy vehicle industry is speeding up the reshuffle. There were once more than 400 new car manufacturers registered in China, but now less than 20% of the companies are able to operate normally. Will Gaohe become the next new car-building force to sell or restructure after Weimar?

Since its inception, Gaohe has launched a total of three models, namely, HiPhi X, HiPhi Z and HiPhi Y, with a price of 50-800000 yuan. Among them, HiPhi Y is the latest model launched by Gaohe Automobile, and it is also the model with the lowest price. It officially went on sale on July 15, 2023, with a price range of 33.90-449000 yuan. The price determines that HiPhi Y will be the volume model of Gaohe Automobile. However, Gaohe HiPhi Y did not meet official expectations. Data show that the sales of HiPhi Y from September to December in 2023 were 1444, 1000, 511,468 respectively, showing a decline in monthly sales.

In early 2024, when other automakers released sales figures for 2023 one after another, Gaohe chose to be quiet, with monthly deliveries last reported at November 2023 and delivery of 1606 HiPhi Y models in October. Since then, the official delivery results have not been announced. From the point of view of the whole brand, the annual terminal sales of high-tech cars in 2023 were 7840, an increase of only 309 compared with 2022.

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