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Spend 100 million yuan! He Xiaopeng increased his shareholding

2024-10-05 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Today, Xiaopeng announced in a notice on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that he Xiaopeng, the company's CEO, has increased its stake in Xiaopeng Motor to 18.8%.

The announcement shows that he Xiaopeng, the controlling shareholder, has purchased a total of 1 million Class A common shares in the open market from August 21, 2024 to August 23, 2024 at an average price of HK $27.13 per Class A common share, or about HK $27 million. And through its wholly-owned Galaxy Dynasty Limited to buy a total of 1.4199 million American depositary shares at an average price of US $7.02 per American depositary share, equivalent to about US $9.97 million, for a total of about HK $107 million. In addition, the announcement also said that he Xiaopeng plans to continue to increase Xiaopeng's stake in the future in due course.

As for the increase of he Xiaopeng's holdings, officials said that he Xiaopeng's behavior is a sign of confidence in Xiaopeng's prospects and growth potential.

In fact, since last year, Xiaopeng car sales have lagged behind other head car-building new forces. Relevant data show that Xiaopeng sold a total of 141601 cars in 2023. Compared with the ideal car at the head of the new force of car-building, there is a certain gap. As a reference, the cumulative annual sales of ideal cars in 2023 is 376030. After entering 2024, Xiaopeng's sales growth is still limited, the latest sales of 11145 in July, January-July cumulative sales of 63173, lagging far behind other new power brands.

Sales growth is slow and losses continue. On August 20, Xiaopeng announced its latest results for the first half of this year. Data show that Xiaopeng achieved revenue of 14.66 billion yuan in the first half of this year, an increase of 61.2% over the same period last year; gross profit of 13.5%, compared with-1.4% in the same period last year; and net profit of-2.65 billion yuan, compared with a net loss of 5.14 billion yuan in the same period last year. Although the loss has narrowed somewhat, it has not been able to get rid of the loss situation.

To this end, officials also pin their hopes on Xiaopeng MONA M03. On July 3, Xiaopeng MONA M03 was officially released. As the first model of the MONA series, it will enter the market of 10-150000 yuan. The new car will be officially launched tomorrow and will be officially delivered in the third quarter.

On the arrival of the new car, he Xiaopeng said: since the launch of the MONA M03 in August, it has entered a strong product cycle and a tailwind period of rapid development, and there will be a number of competitive new products and models on the market between now and the end of 2026. In the future, Xiaopeng will bring sustainable growth to Xiaopeng's sales through a stronger marketing system in China and the global market. For the third quarter, officials expect total car deliveries to range from 41000 to 45000, up 2.5 to 12.5 per cent from a year earlier, and total revenue from 9.1 billion to 9.8 billion yuan, up 6.7 to 14.9 per cent from a year earlier.

It is not difficult to see that the Xiaopeng MONA M03 is regarded as the key model for Xiaopeng to reverse sales. From the price point of view, Xiaopeng MONA M03 and the existing Xiaopeng car model price has formed a stagger, is Xiaopeng car's lowest price model, the price down to less than 150000 yuan. Such price positioning may bring some sales growth to Xiaopeng, but at the same time, within the range of 10 to 150000 yuan, most of the market share is occupied by models such as BYD, and it remains to be seen whether Xiaopeng MONA M03 can become a popular model.

Return to he Xiaopeng's increase in holdings can also be seen as optimistic about the company's future prospects, and further inject a shot of reassurance into the company's shareholders and employees. At present, it is still unknown whether Xiaopeng can break out of the sales difficulties. According to the official plan, the annual sales target for this year is 280000 vehicles, and only 22.5 per cent of the annual target has been achieved. From the point of view of Xiaopeng's sales at the present stage, it will also face certain challenges in order to achieve the annual sales target.

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