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Awesome! BYD's monthly sales exceeded 400,000 for the first time

2024-10-02 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On October 1st, BYD released its latest production and marketing KuaiBao in September. Data show that BYD produced 441052 vehicles in September. From January to September, automobile production totaled 2760910 vehicles, an increase of 30.68% over the same period last year. BYD sold 419426 vehicles in September, up 63747 from August. Cumulative car sales from January to September were 2747875, an increase of 32.13% over the same period last year. In September, overseas sales of new energy vehicles were 33012, up 17.7 per cent from a year earlier.

It is worth mentioning that this is the first time that BYD's monthly sales have exceeded 400000 units. Specifically subdivided into the sales of various brands, the source of BYD's sales in September still comes from dynasty net and ocean net in the BYD brand.

Data show that Chaochao and Oceannet sold 401572 vehicles in September, accounting for more than 95 per cent of total sales. Among them, dynasty net sold 204605 vehicles in September, with cumulative sales of 1337474 vehicles from January to September. The highest-selling model under is Qin, which sold 75785 vehicles in September and has sold 475002 vehicles this year, accounting for 36 per cent of its cumulative sales. Other models sold 24525, 12552, 46125 and 45618 respectively in September. 's sales in September were slightly lower than those of Chao, at 194099, with a cumulative sales of 1263442 from January to September. Among them, the sales of Oceannet mainly rely on seagulls, dolphins, seals and Song PLUS models. Seagulls, seals and Song PLUS accounted for 2/3 of the total sales of Oceannet in September, with sales of 43425, 58285 and 43010 respectively. In addition, Ocean net destroyer 05 and Sea Lion 07 EV have also achieved sales of more than 10,000, and have increased compared with August sales. Of course, the growth of the two major brands BYD Dynasty and Ocean Network is inseparable from the successive launch of its new models, coupled with price concessions and other factors, sales naturally continue to rise.

In addition to dynasty net and ocean net, BYD also laid out momentum, equation leopard, look up to the brand. All three brands also grew to varying degrees in September. As a brand for BYD to enter the high-end market, the momentum brand focuses on the high-end market in the range of 30-500000 yuan. At present, there are D9, N7, N8 and Z9GT models on sale, and most of the sales sources of Tengli come from Teng Teng D9.

The data showed that Tengli sold 10299 vehicles in September, including 8122 for the Tencent D9, 1005 for the N7 and 1172 for the Z9GT. It is worth mentioning that the Z9GT is a new model under the momentum, which went on sale on Aug. 20 and announced the price on Sept. 20. The new car positioning luxury GT, a total of 5 models, the price range is 33.48-414800 yuan. As a model that has been on the market for more than a month, this kind of achievement is OK.

Sales of the two sub-brands, equation Leopard and Tengli, also increased in September. Sales of the equation Leopard brand were 5422 in September, an increase of 546 compared with August. Equation Leopard is a brand new brand launched by BYD in June last year, positioning between momentum and looking up. The first model, Leopard 5, launched in November last year, a total of three models, with a price range of 28.98 yuan to 352800 yuan. At present, all sales of equation Leopard come from Leopard 5 models. According to official news, the future equation Leopard will launch new products at the pace of 1-2 new cars a year. Equation Leopard brand product matrix has Leopard 5, Leopard 8, Leopard 3 composed of the "583" hardline family and sports car SUPER 9. With the arrival of these models, the sales of equation Leopard are expected to increase further.

Looking up to the brand is a new high-end new energy brand launched by BYD in November 2022. The first model, U8, was launched in September 2013, positioning as a high-end hardline off-road SUV with a price of 1.098 million yuan. At present, most of the sales of the brand come from U8 models. The data show that the brand sold 310 vehicles in September, 294 U8 models and 16 U9 models.

According to the plan, BYD has a sales target of about 3.6 million vehicles this year, and it is not difficult for BYD to achieve its annual sales target based on its current sales momentum. As a reference, BYD has sold 2747875 vehicles from January to September, meeting its sales target of 76.3 per cent.

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